BPO hosts grand opening
By Kathy McCarty
Staff Writer
OPENING CEREMONY — A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Friday, Sept. 17, to mark the official opening of BalanceBPO’s Center of Excellence, located at 18 Greenhill Drive in Presque Isle, the site formerly home to Connect North America. The facility will serve as an incoming call center for various Fortune 500 and blue-chip companies, according to BPO President Tim Lavin, as well as home to TxVia, a cards-based payments company. Lavin, a Presque Isle native, returned to his hometown, citing Aroostook County people’s work ethic as the main reason; BPO and TxVia will create upward of 200 jobs when fully operational. Pictured for the event, from left, are: Jennifer Trombley, chair, Presque Isle City Council; Danielle Fletcher, TxVia agent; Megan Lavin, director and vice president of HR, BalanceBPO; Amber Whitman, TxVia manager; Jon Reinsdorf, adviser, BalanceBPO; Matthew Grant, CTO; Rep. Michael Willette, member of BalanceBPO’s Board of Directors; Kim Lavin, sister-in-law; Tim Lavin, co-founder, president and CEO; Tim “TJ” Lavin (marking his birthday by helping cut the ribbon); Gov. John Baldacci; Dan Pearce, co-founder and chairman, BalanceBPO (not visible, standing to the governor’s right; Virginia Redden, Lavin’s mother; Lauren Falcetta, vice president of HR, TxVia; Kerighan Lavin, niece; Matthew Nyren, vice president, Managed Services, TxVia; Madeline Lavin, daughter; Dan Redden, Lavin’s stepfather; Dan Evanoff, vice chairman, BalanceBPO; Briana Lavin, niece; and Tom Lavin Jr., Lavin’s father.
PRESQUE ISLE — State and local officials gathered at 18 Greenhill Drive in Presque Isle on Friday, Sept. 17, to mark the grand opening of BalanceBPO’s Center of Excellence, complete with speeches, a ribbon-cutting ceremony and tour of the newly-refurbished facility.
Tim Lavin, co-founder, president and CEO of BalanceBPO, gave a brief explanation of the company and the services it will offer its clients.
“We’re not an outgoing telemarketing business — not a ‘spokes-site’ — we’re an inbound customer service and technology support service center working through phone, e-mail and chat. We will also use the facility as a site to develop software,” said Lavin during his opening statement.
Lavin said he anticipated changing the face of the BPO (defined as business process outsourcing) industry with the support of local and state government officials and the community.
“We’ll do that using the brightest people The County has to offer,” he said. “We want them to feel that they’re part of something great, something big.”
SEVERAL DIGNITARIES were on hand Sept. 17 for the grand opening of BalanceBPO in Presque Isle. Pictured seated, from left, are: Tim Lavin, co-founder, president and CEO of BalanceBPO; Matthew Grant, vice president of technology; Duane Walton, Northern Maine Finance Corporation; Rep. Mike Willette, BalanceBPO board member; Tom Stevens, director, USDA’s Presque Isle office; and Barbara Hayslett, district representative for Congressman Mike Michaud. Standing from left are: Maine Sen. Troy Jackson; District 35; Rep. John Martin; and Robert Clark, executive director, Northern Maine Development Commission.
He said he wanted employees to be “excited to be a part” of what he has planned, noting millions of dollars are spent through outsourcing and that there is “great value in this region,” thanks to the strong work ethic the people of Aroostook are known for.
Over time as the company continues to develop, Lavin said he sees the process being enhanced, with customer satisfaction increasing.
“We plan to do everything we can to live up to our end of the deal here in the County to attract Fortune 500 and blue-chip businesses, while offering quality jobs and a good family environment. All we ask is for the community’s support,” said Lavin.
Lavin, a native of Presque Isle, spoke from experience as he talked of his own time spent picking potatoes as a youth and the strong work ethic that attracted company officials to Presque Isle.
Gov. John Baldacci attended the gathering, welcoming BPO to the state.
“If Maine businesses are given the opportunity to compete, they’ll win every time. BPO will continue to grow because of the quality of people here,” said Baldacci, noting Maine’s Pine Tree Zones have served the state well by “leveling the playing field.”
“By offering tax breaks, you bring good jobs with benefits,” he said. “Maine has over 319 companies that have been Pine Tree Zone certified, creating over 3,000 jobs.” BPO is the latest on the list, along with New York City-headquartered TxVia, a cards-based payments company, that will share the facility. Upwards of 200 jobs are expected to be created when both businesses are fully operational.
Tom Stevens, director of the USDA’s Presque Isle office, said the day was “truly a celebration” since BPO will “create much-needed jobs in Aroostook County.”
“We’re pleased that the (USDA’s) Rural Development Grant contributed to the success in attracting these companies,” said Stevens. Funds were used to refurbish the building.
Noting out-migration has been a major concern, as County youth go elsewhere in search of work, Stevens said Lavin’s return is a step in the right direction.
“Today we have an opportunity to welcome home from Austin, Texas, Tim Lavin. We hope others will follow suit,” Stevens said.
Speaking on behalf of Sen. Olympia Snowe, Sharon Campbell read from a prepared statement, offering Snowe’s best wishes to BalanceBPO as “they embark on expanding their business in Presque Isle, bringing renewed vitality not only to the building, but to the community as a whole.”
“With recent downsizing and the loss of far too many employment opportunities throughout our great state and nation, it is certainly refreshing to see a company that is committed to growth and the possibilities available to them with the right location, an outstanding infrastructure and, above all, exceptional people,” continued Campbell. “When you couple the County’s extraordinary work ethic and can-do spirit with the entrepreneurial acumen and expertise of the BalanceBPO management, the future could not look brighter.”
Phil Bosse spoke on behalf of Sen. Susan Collins, welcoming the company to Presque Isle.
“We applaud your company’s skill and foresight in selecting Aroostook County as a place for expansion,” Bosse read from Collins’ statement.
Bosse continued, noting Aroostook’s “reputation for having a skilled and dedicated workforce.”
“It is a place where people are motivated by opportunity and loyal to those who provide it. Indeed, the County work ethic is renowned and well founded. The workers in this area are instrumental in the growth and prosperity of Aroostook County companies,” read Bosse. “Presque Isle is truly an ideal location for BalanceBPO’s newest facility and a welcome addition to the community and the County. BPO will reap the benefits of being located in an area where people are committed to excellence and hard work.”
Barbara Hayslett spoke on behalf of Congressman Mike Michaud, noting when a company like BPO chooses to expand operations in Maine, “it’s a compliment to both the company leadership and to the local community.”
“An innovative company of this caliber and potential is always courted by a number of communities and states. While Maine probably had a bit of a sentimental advantage as it’s Tim’s hometown, successful entrepreneurs weigh all factors very carefully. Selecting Presque Isle was the best choice for your business,” Hayslett read on behalf of Michaud.
HARRY’S MOTOR SPORTS and Katahdin Trust Co. have partnered to donate a Honda snow blower to the Presque Isle Rotary Club Auction, scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 2. The snow blower will be a “Three-Night” item and is valued at over $2,600. This is the 63rd annual auction held by the Rotary Club to raise funds for area charities and non-profits. Pictured are, from left: Jeff Pangburn, vice president of Katahdin Trust Co. and Rotary Auction co-chair, and John Alexander, owner of Harry’s Motor Sports. For more information about the auction, including item descriptions, log onto www.pirotary.org.
Choosing Presque Isle over other cities for the company’s Center of Excellence “is a strong testament to the resources we in Maine have to offer — a can-do approach to economic development and a statewide workforce that is second to none,” she continued.
Michaud’s statement noted the ability of the government and private sector to work together “to bring good-paying jobs to our state.”
“Special thanks go to Maine state Rep. Michael Willette and Duane Walton at the Northern Maine Finance Corporation for the vision and for coordinating the hard work that went on behind the scenes to put the pieces together to make it all happen,” read Hayslett. “This celebration is good news for Presque Isle, for northern Maine and good news for the rest of Maine.”
Walton, NMFC, commented on how smoothly the transition went from Connect North America’s vacating the building to the BPO’s subsequent interest in the location for its Center of Excellence.
“When Mike Willette said he had a friend who might be interested (in the site), we moved quickly,” said Walton, thanking the USDA as well. “The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. It was more exciting to find it was one of our own.”
City Council Chair Jennifer Trombley — a noted Pine Street classmate of Lavin’s — said when the opportunity arose, officials acted quickly to attract the building’s newest occupant.
“They didn’t miss a beat. It happened suddenly and here’s Tim,” said Trombley. “We’re confident the community will support this and you’ll reach your highest potential.”
Lavin returned to the podium, thanking all who made the opening possible. Guests were then invited to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the building’s main entrance, with Baldacci and Lavin’s son, Tim Jr. — who happened to be celebrating his birthday as well that day – sharing the honor of cutting the ribbon. A luncheon buffet and tours of the facility followed. Lavin indicated, once fully operational, BPO and TvVia will employ upwards of 200 people.