Digital sign campaign to illuminate Houlton’s assets

14 years ago

By Elna Seabrooks
Staff Writer

    HOULTON — A campaign to create an illuminated sign directing tourists to Houlton’s historic downtown area is being launched today by the Southern Aroostook Development Corporation (SADC).
ImageContributed photo
SOLD ON HOULTON — The Southern Aroostook Development Corporation is launching a fund-raising campaign to build a Welcome to Houlton sign near the I-95 exit on North Street as seen in this photographic rendering.

    When announcing the project, Jon McLaughlin, SADC executive director, said: “This sign will have immediate impact by letting the traveling public learn more about our treasured jewel — our downtown.”
    The sign being created by Sign Services in Stetson will stand 25 feet tall with an 11-foot by 12-foot cabinet and internally illuminated graphics. McLaughlin said the 4-foot high by 12-foot wide full color message center in the cabinet will be radio controlled to change the display reflecting town events.
    The sign will be located on the Dunn Furniture Company property facing the northbound I-95 Exit 302. McLaughlin estimates the cost of the project at  $40,000.
A dream to be realized
    The idea for the sign grew out of an SADC committee proposal to recognize Houlton’s assets. That committee,  “Sold on Houlton,” was headed by Dallas Henderson.
    The late Houlton businessman, civic leader and SADC board member “had a longtime vision of a directional sign, alerting tourists getting off Exit 302 at Houlton, about the downtown,” said McLaughlin. “Unfortunately, before actual work and design of the sign could take place, Dallas passed away earlier this year.” The committee is continuing with Henderson’s vision and, according to McLaughlin, has undertaken the project as a memorial to him.
Large and small gifts
    In order to raise money for the new sign, SADC will rely on in-kind donations for earthwork, concrete and electrical work as well as cash contributions. McLaughlin stated that there will be four levels of donations for cash donors to be recognized with inscriptions on a plaque to be placed in the Houlton town office.
    He said donations from $1,000 and up will be called Dallas Memorial Gifts. Welcome to Houlton donations will be between $500-$999, History’s Hiding Place will be at the $250-$499 levels and Market Square gifts will be in the  $100-$249 category.
    McLaughlin added that no donation is too large or too small and any donation, “whether it is $5 or $10 is welcome. It is the goal to have this sign installed by year’s end. With everyone’s help, as civic minded citizens of Houlton, we will make Dallas’ last community dream come true.”
    The SADC project is in collaboration with the town of Houlton and McLaughlin added that a direct-mail campaign will be complemented by personal solicitations to various civic and business leaders.
    For more information, contact McLaughlin, SADC, P.O. Box 783, Houlton, ME 04730. SADC can be reached by phone at 521-0157 or via email: