County Scoreboard

14 years ago

County Scoreboard


Team Records
        W    L    T    Pct
Ashland    5    2    0    .714
Presque Isle    5    2    1    .714
Washburn    7    3    2    .700
Fort Fairfield    5    4    1    .556
Easton    6    5    0    .545
Cent. Aroost.    4    4    1    .500
Wednesday, Sept. 22
Ashland 3, So. Aroostook 1
Thursday, Sept. 23
Presque Isle 4, Bucksport 1
Saturday, Sept. 25
Presque Isle 3, Ellsworth 1
Thursday, Sept. 30
Presque Isle at Hermon, 4 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 1
Central Aroostook at Ashland, 5 p.m. (PI)
Saturday, Oct. 2
Presque Isle at MDI, 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 5
Fort Fairfield at Limestone-MSSM, 6 p.m.
Team Records
        W    L    T    Pct
Presque Isle    7    1    1    .875
Washburn    7    3    1    .700
Cent. Aroost.    6    4    0    .600
Fort Fairfield    3    5    1    .375
Easton    3    8    0    .273
Ashland    0    9    1    .000
Wednesday, Sept. 22
Presque Isle 8, Bucksport 0
Southern Aroostook 7, Ashland 2
Saturday, Sept. 25
Ellsworth 4, Presque Isle 2
Monday, Sept. 27
Katahdin 9, Ashland 1
Wednesday, Sept. 29
Presque Isle at Hermon, 4 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 1
Central Aroostook at Ashland, 4 p.m. (PI)
Saturday, Oct. 2
Presque Isle at MDI, 3 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 5
Fort Fairfield at Limestone-MSSM, 4 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 21
at JaTo Highlands in Lincoln: first, Presque Isle, 159
Thursday, Sept. 23
Aroostook  County Championship: first, Fort Fairfield, 380; second, Ashland, 389; fifth, Central Aroostook, 421
Tuesday, Sept. 28
Presque Isle at Caribou, 4 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 30
PVC championship, 9:30 a.m. (JaTo)
Saturday, Sept. 25
Sectionals (Old Town): Presque Isle girls, fourth (96); Presque Isle boys, fourth (99)
Saturday, Oct. 2
Festival of Champions, 12:30 p.m. (Belfast)
Wednesday, Oct. 6
GHCA, Washburn, Caribou, Presque Isle at Limestone, 3:30 p.m.
Huskies    3    1    0    .750
Saturday, Sept. 25
Huskies 38, BCH 13

Coaches/managers are asked to report their results following each game to ensure accuracy. Results can be phoned in to 768-5431 (Star Herald) or 496-3251 (Aroos. Republican), faxed to 764-7585 or emailed to Sports Editor Joseph Cyr at or Sports Reporter Kevin Sjoberg at