Bridget’s a beauty

14 years ago


Contributed photo
Little Bridget, a 5 week old long-hair black and white female staying at Halfway Home Pet Rescue (HHPR) enjoys racing and playing with her three siblings along with a dozen other young kittens. Although not old enough for adoption yet, Bridget is a very pretty kitty and will be available for review during the upcoming Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010 Cat Adoption Fair at Toby’s Treasures at 246 Sweden St., in Caribou from noon to 3 p.m. According to HHPR President Norma Milton, even through the shelter averages $200 of medical care (including spay vouchers) per cat, the adoption fee is only $50.00. “Our dear friend Elizabeth (Lynn) Collins passed away recently and while her family was removing her furniture, Lynn’s little cat ran out the door at her Rose Acres apartment,” Milton said. “The cat is a black and white short hair and she is declawed and shy, but not difficult to handle. We ask people to keep a look out for this cat and if found call Sharon Ellis at 498-8814.” HHPR volunteers are seeking adults to work two to three hour shifts at the Toby’s Treasures Thrifty Gift Store from either noon to 3 p.m. or 3 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday through Friday. Call 492-6061 to volunteer.  According to Milton,  because of the area’s huge need for pet rescue service, HHPR is growing fast and space is becoming a problem. “The good news, however, is that our adoption rate also continues to grow,” she said. Halfway Home is a licensed state animal shelter and a 501c3 organization which works to help stray, abandoned and abused cats. FMI: call 492-1722.