Caribou City Council approves VFW flag request

14 years ago

By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

The Caribou City Council met Monday evening for a regular meeting, addressing a relatively short agenda.

Following the acceptance of the minutes from the Sept. 13 meeting, Deputy Mayor Karla Bell, recognized Peter Meisburger and Douglas Michaud, both representing the Lister/Knowlton VFW Post 9389. In a previously presented request Meisburger and Michaud asked that the council consider allowing the 100 flag receptacles in the city to be installed at a height of 10 feet from the ground in order to discourage vandalism of the holders and the flags themselves. The VFW provides the receptacles as well as the American flags to the city.

In their request the Meisburger and Michaud also requested that the council members consider allowing the repositioning of the flag holders be completed by the public works department.

The council voted to authorize the public works department to undertake this project.

In other business the council approved a recommendation from the Airport Committee for the selection of Airport engineering services for the next five years be awarded to Stantec, the company which achieved the highest score regarding qualifications required to provide this service. Two other companies, B.R. Smith Assoc. of Presque Isle and McFarland/Johnson of New Hampshire had also applied for the five-year contract. Stantec is located in the Loring Development Association facility on the former Loring Air Force Base in Limestone.

It was considered and approved by the council to enter into a contract to provide code enforcement services to the Aroostook Band of Micmacs for trust lands within the municipal bounds of Caribou. The trust lands which are being developed within the bounds of Caribou are those on U.S. Route 1 across from the Maysville Siding Road where frost walls and electricity have already been installed.

Steve Buck, city manager informed the council that Steve Wentworth, Caribou codes enforcement officer would, under the proposed contract, provide inspection services but would not sign off on certificates of occupancy. The group must be in compliance with all state and municipal ordinances.

The council approved the contract which is only a draft at this time until a response is received from tribal authorities.

Councilers also voted to schedule a public hearing to be held on Oct. 25 in the city council chambers, allowing for a time to hear citizens’ testimonies on the proposed Medical Marijuana Dispensary Draft Ordinance. A copy of this draft will soon be available for residents to review and may be picked up at the city office, the library or at the Aroostook Republican office.

The next regular Caribou City Council meeting will be on Monday, Oct. 11, beginning at 7 p.m.