Caribou recreation activities

14 years ago

Presque Isle School Farm and Putnam’s Pumpkin Patch

On Thursday, Oct. 7, the Take It Outside Series trip is to the Presque Isle School Farm and a tour of their fine facility. Following a break for lunch, the trip will resume with a visit to Putnam’s Pumpkin Patch in Mapleton for a horse-drawn wagon ride, a pumpkin hunt and refreshments. The fee for this outing  is $10 per person. Participants are asked to bring a bag lunch. Pre-registration is required. For additional information or to register please contact the Caribou Parks and Recreation Department at 493-4224.

Fall/winter program booklets

Please note that the Fall/Winter program booklets are now available at the recreation office. Registrations are now being accepted for all fall and winter programs. Program details are also available online at