Houlton Council of Catholic Women
by Lois Downing
Houlton Council of Catholic Women met Sunday, December 5, in parish center, at St. Mary after the 11 a.m. Mass and Eucharist. Moderator David Raymond led the blessing before the meal, attended by Deacon Albert Burleigh and 25 members.
After the meal, a Yankee Swap was conducted and then co-president Mary Grant called the meeting Reports were given by Bernette Roach, treasurer, and secretary Jane Stile.
The nearly two hundred dollars netted from the craft fair, which Alfreda Albert headed, was given to the Seminarian Fund, voted on earlier. Also a money tree, a Christmas wreath laden with one dollar bills and donated by Jane Mitchell, was given to Ronnie Trecartin, the winner, and the funds given to the Seminarian Fund.
Co-president Janet Barker sold new clothes at the Christmas Fair and after Mass on two weekends. This profit will be going into the general fund for future use.
The Giving Tree is up and people are responding favorably to it. A bulletin notice was placed recently pertaining to it to clarify some questions.
Janet Stile received a donation of tooth brushes and Jane purchased blankets, towels and face cloths for the Giving Tree project and a donation from North Country Cruisers will be used for the Giving Tree project also.
The Religious Education classes will sponsor a food sale and would appreciate items from Council members. The sale is December 19 and the items could be brought that morning or the items can be left on the rectory porch Saturday.
Betty Ann Childers will acquire the necessary information for a Pizza Hut fundraiser, the time and the date will be forthcoming in January.
Birthday and anniversaries were recognized. The party ended with prayer intentions. The next meeting will be January 2, after the 11 a.m. Mass. All ladies are welcome.
Oakfield Seniors meet
The Oakfield Senior Citizens Club held its annual Christmas party with 26 members and one guest. A ham dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed and all kinds of pies for dessert. No one left hungry.
After the flag salute, the Lord’s Prayer and a short business meeting was held. We then had a “Yankee Swap,” which was a lot of fun. We are meeting our pen pals from the fourth grade at Southern Aroostook school. A few weeks ago we each picked a pen pal and have been writing to them. We finally get to meet them this Wednesday at noon at the snowmobile club. We have no idea who is pen pal to whom.
Attending were Tessie Barrett, Linda Bartlett, David Burpee, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Thelma Flowers, Arlene Freil, Mildred Gagnon,Marie Gelotti, Sandra and Wendall Holmes, Mary Lawler, Ursula Levesque, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Charlotte and Don Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Pete Peterson, Katherine Boutlier, Martha Chapdos, Albine Fox and one guest, Gladys Coneil.
Red Hat Society
By Barbara Grant
Queen Mother
The Border Belles held their Christmas luncheon this past Wednesday at the Horn of Plenty. There were nineteen members and one guest attending this years final function. After Chef Bill Rodick prepared our meals, he came out to greet the Belles wearing the “Red Chef” hat which was made & designed by Chapterette Marge Melvin.
The group then progressed to the home of Chapterette Priscilla Monroe to enjoy a cookie swap, and their choice of coffee, tea or cider. Priscilla and husband, Robert, have been redecorating since their move to Houlton and the Border Belles found themselves stepping into a lush Victorian venue featuring fine china, imported rugs, heavy drapes and numerous collections of varying interests.
After dessert and friendly “chatter”, the Border Belles were presented with a calendar of the planned events for 2011. Hostess Priscilla handed out individual gifts to the ladies and Queen Mother Barbara presented a gift to Priscilla for her efforts to the betterment of the Chapter.
Attending were Leola Bishop, her guest Mildred Madigan, Linda Cassidy, Pat Chase, Elva Coburn, Arline Dickison, Margaret Dudley, Lillian Gibson, Barbara Grant, Ruth Levesque, Mapley Lindsay, Marjorie Melvin, Carolle Milliken, Priscilla Monroe, Lois Morin, Odette Ouellette (December Birthday Lady), Sara Regent, Marilyn Tidd, and Jean Wiley. The Border Belles will not have a gathering until March of next year. See you then.
Island Falls News
Mary Shields (Grant) and her sister, Sharon Lilley, New Limerick, have just returned from a 10-day visit to Springfield, Mass. where they were guests of their sister and husband, Linda and Pete White and family, Peter, Letitia and Julious. While there they visited Branson, Miss. and also did a lot of touring of the area and enjoyed seeing all the many homes and businesses decorated for the Christmas season, and, of course, did a pile of shopping before returning home to Maine on Dec.10.
On Thanksgiving Day, Bertha and Blaine Prey were guests of their aunt, Catherine McCarthy and family in Crystal. Following dinner Bertha and Blaine then drove down to Brewer, where they spent the weekend with friends, returning home on Sunday.
Recent visitors of Charlene and Webb were her sister and husband, Freela and Clayton Lancaster, from Dexter. They spent the day here in Island Falls enjoying a good visit. Sharman (Hoar) Ball arrived from Aurora, Colorado this past week to spend a few days with Marion Hoar and also to help celebrate the birthday of her son, Ben Drew, who lives in Houlton. She returned home to Colorado on Sunday.
The official opening of the new bridge will be held Dec.15, with TV coverage from Presque Isle and Bangor expected. Everyone has now more or less accepted the cold, wintery weather that has arrived and all are extremely happy about the new bridge being available, especially those who live on the south side. It was a long detour around the Belvedere road just to get to the post office and store and church. Had heavy snow on my cedar tree but it didn’t discourage the chickadees and bluejays and nuthatches one bit. Went out with a stick and knocked off as much snow as I could, to help them out. Still no deer tracks, but I am still hoping they will show up some time. Keep an eye on my big window in case one arrives.
TOPS ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street on Friday, Dec. 9, for its weekly meeting. Betty Ivey was loser of the week with runner-up Barbara Grant.
Joanne Scott was the weight recorder’s figures. Joyce Estey presented the program. The program was taken from a TOPS magazine relating to a story about George Rosenthal, 2007 International King. He told how he curbed his eating habits and saved meals between Thanksgiving and New Year’s by placing the leftovers in a suitable bag and freezing them in portions for a meal. It worked for him and was a great solution.
Linda Bartlett led the group in several exercises, different from the usual ones. The contest person told us how to acquire to reach Mt. Resolute. It takes help from members and you can do it—with several more weeks to obtain your goal. The next meeing is Friday, Dec. 17 at 9 a.m., after weigh-in from 8-8:45 a.m. Members are asked to remember that no one is weighed after 8:45-9 a.m. to allow the persons to figure their books.
If you need more information on the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Everyone is welcome.