Extension plans first meeting of the year

Jennifer Buzza, Special to The County
14 years ago

The Mapleton Ladies Extension will hold their next meeting on Monday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m. Attendees will be meeting at the home of Laura McPherson for a glass bead-making demonstration. The regular monthly meeting will follow. Anyone interested in joining the group, please contact Liz Brewer at 764-3427 for more information.


Birthday wishes this week go out to: Kendra Kennedy, Isaac Breton, Camden Addie York, Mark Christie, Ryan Guerrette, Michael Warner, Joshua Buck, Peggy Bushey, Steve Beaulieu, Logan McNulty, Raquel Beaulieu, Beth Lavway, Bob Vigue, Ryan Lavway, Benoit Michaud and Olivia Sage-Marie Race.


Happy anniversary this week to Lance and Bonnie Johnson on Dec. 31.

Senior citizens

The Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Seniors have decided to discontinue their weekly meetings for the winter season and will begin again in the spring on Monday, April 4, 2011.

Lunches cancelled

The weekly Friday lunches at the United Methodist Church have been cancelled indefinitely. Please watch this column or the sign in front of the church for an announcement as to when they will resume.

(Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 760-9115 or by e-mail at jbuzza@ainop.com.)