Happy Days Club sets date for first gathering in 2011

14 years ago

Happy Days Club

sets date

for first gathering in 2011


by Debbie Smith

The first meeting of the year will be on Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011. Easton residents age 55 or older are invited to participate in all of our activities. We would like to see you at our potluck luncheon at the manor. We eat at 11:30 a.m. Our speaker for the meeting will be Kyla Lagassie. She lives in Easton and will be sharing with us the importance of Girl Scouts.


On Dec. 29, Jamie Wells, Christopher Fuller, Jeff McAdam, Alan Trook, Jim Lagassie, Steve Budreau and Debbie Smith all have a birthday. A very special birthday wish to my dear brother Steve. Love ya and have a great day.

On Dec. 30, Steve Whittaker, Loren West and Isabelle Morin will be celebrating their birthdays.

Dec. 31 will be a day of celebration for their birthdays for Nathan Manning Harris, Troy Chasse and Deborah Young.

On New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, Jacob Miller, Connie Trook, Suzette DaCruz and Timothy Kretscmer will all be celebrating being another year older.

On Jan. 2, Allene Embelton, Sally Flewelling and Freda Dionne all have a birthday.

On Jan. 3, Tisha Hafford and Kyla Lagassie will be another year older.

Cody Embelton and Aleisha Doody have a birthday on Jan. 4.

Blessings to you all on your special day.

Happy New Year

I trust that you all had a very good Christmas and would like to wish you all a very healthy and prosperous New Year.

Students of the Month

The following students were selected for Students of the Month. Those selected for August/September were Dominic Fredette and Katie Cyr.


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For the month of October Hannah Ferris and Brittany Tompkins were selected.


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For the month of November Kristen West and Taylor Lawrence were chosen to be Students of the Month.


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Congra-tulations to you all. We are very proud of all of you and thanks for being such fine examples in our school and town.

FFA Lighting Contest

The FFA of Easton judged the lights in Easton last week and announced the winners. First place went to Winston Scanlin, second place went to Larry Pelkey, third place went to Lisa and Harold Haney and honorable mention went to Tom and Ann Osgood.

Congratulations to you all. Your houses look beautiful.

Debbie Smith is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by e-mail at debbie-smith04_69@hotmail.com or call 488-5530.