Ashland Boy Scouts hold annual ice fishing trip

13 years ago

Ashland Boy Scouts

hold annual ice fishing trip


by Susan Feeney Hopkins

Ashland’s Boy Scout Troop 179 held its annual ice fishing trip on New Year’s Day at Little Machias Lake. The weather was warm and though the ice was slushy, the boys had plenty of fun and caught a bounty of trout.

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SHOWING OFF their fine stringer of trout from their New Year’s Day expedition to Little Machias Lake are members of the Ashland Boy Scout Troop 179, from left: Peng Cheng, Malcolm Milligan, David Milligan, Scoutmaster Linda Milligan, Airin Harmon, Assistant Scoutmaster Polly Libby, Megan Guiggey and Henry Milligan.

Two weeks later, the boys showed an interest in going again and this time invited the Webelos of Pack 179. Though weather was much colder, the boys didn’t let that bother them. They had a great time building a fire, playing fox and geese on the ice, climbing trees, cooking their lunch over the fire and enjoying the outdoors. The fishing was slower on this trip, but everyone still had a great time.

Boy Scouts attending were Malcolm Milligan, Evan Morton, Tyler MacDonald and Airin Harmon. Webelos attending were Otis Nelson, Segdrick Orr, Tristan Perrault, Chandler Pratt, Daniel Rafford, Mason Moro and Steven Bellanceau.

Photos courtesy of Polly Libby


SEGDRICK ORR, from Webelos Pack 179, proudly displays his first trout. Way to go!


ASHLAND BOY SCOUT Tyler MacDonald and the trout he caught ice fishing on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


CHANDLER PRATT, a Webelo from Pack 179, works at starting the fire to help keep his pack members warm.

Ashland Senior Citizen meeting news

The move to the VFW on the Portage Road as announced in last week’s edition has been postponed until further notice. The meetings will continue at the current location at the Forest View Circle, Maple Building #4. The club wishes to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Photo courtesy of RoLinda Chicoine
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Elected to serve the Ashland Senior Citizens for the year are, from left, front row: RoLinda Chicoine, first vice president; Cleo Bernier, president; Laura Pike, delegate to Northern Maine Council on Aging and Theresa Chasse, treasurer. Back row: Roberta Savary, secretary and Betty Morris, second vice president and activities director.

Ongoing events

The Ashland Senior Citizens Club meets every other Thursday from Nov. 1 through March 31 and every week (Thursday) from April 1 to Oct. 31 at Forest View Circle, Maple Building #4. The club meets at noon for a potluck luncheon to enjoy the company of others, games and guest entertainers. All are welcome to attend.

The Portage Lake Over 50’s Club lunch is held on the last Tuesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at the Town Hall. All individuals 50 and over are invited to attend and can bring a potluck dish to share. For more information, contact Wilza Robertson at 435-6211 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.

The Red Hat Loonies of Portage Lake meet the second Thursday of every month at Dean’s Motor Lodge. Membership dues are $2. Come and have a great meal and a great time, too! For more information, contact Rachel Stevens at 435-6358.

Susan Feeney-Hopkins is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and the surrounding areas. She can be reached at 435-8232 or