Jordan has voice of an angel

14 years ago

To the editor;

I’ve gone to each year’s Aroostook Idol, more recently called Northern Star. I’ve been very impressed by each performer, but especially this year at the regionals in Presque Isle, as it was especially great. Each act was entertaining, but one girl really stood out. I was disappointed that she didn’t place. She was the fourth contestant, her name being Deanna Jordan of Caribou.

“Panis Angelicus” has always been a favorite song of mine. I’m a fan of Charlotte Church, having several CDs by her, including the one in which she sings this song. Critics have always credited her with having “the voice of an angel.” Then, Miss Jordan took the stage last night and took that title away from Miss Church, making it her own. She didn’t win a place in the finals, but in my opinion, she’s still a winner. I wish that I could hear her sing that song again.

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts.

Stacy Green
