1936: New banking facility opens

13 years ago

100 Years Ago: July 13, 1911

• The hot wave continued this week, the mercury continuing to lodge around the 100 in the shade mark with but very little relief at night. Such warm nights in this country are unusual. But then, the weather man is breaking all records this year. Wednesday evening, the weather cooled a little, bringing a great relief.

• A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Tuttle, Washburn, June 28, when their daughter, Sadie Frances, was united in marriage to Earl Sheppard Bailey of Caribou by Rev. James Gray.

• James Whiteneck was brought down from Ashland one day last week and taken to the home of Dr. C.F. Thomas. He had received a bad cut in the back from an axe which had glanced while being used by a fellow workman. The wound was dressed and the wounded man was taken to his home in Limestone.

• Judson C. Briggs, E.J. Briggs, R.F. Gardner and Ray C. Gary left Monday on a fishing trip to the Province.

• Miss Flora Rogers, bookkeeper for the Irving and Ricker Co., resumed her duties Monday morning after a week’s vacation.

75 Years Ago: July 9, 1936

• The Aroostook County Federal Savings and Loan Association, the organization for which has been in process for several seeks, is now set to do business throughout the county. At a meeting of the directors Monday evening at the office of W.P. Hamilton, the final matters of organization were cleared up and several applications for loans were put in process to be reported on very soon. There are at present 78 shareholders throughout the county with an aggregate of $51,000 subscribed. Investors may feel perfectly safe in putting their money into this bank as all money so invested is insured by the government up to $5,000 for any one account.

• Two yoke of white oxen attached to a two-wheel cart, advertising Ox Head Beer, attracted much attention on Sweden Street Wednesday noon. One of the team was exceptionally large in size. They were sent into this section by the Maine Distributors of Bangor and Houlton.

• G. Milton Carter was host to 19 of his young friends on Thursday evening to a dinner and theatre party complimenting Miss Barbara McCluer, who has just returned from a girls’ school in the south. The young folks ate dinner at a long, attractively appointed table in the living room, where they enjoyed exchanging jokes and riddles. After dinner they went to the Powers Theatre where they enjoyed the very wholesome movie, “The Moon Is Our Home.”

• Miss Shirley Brown entertained a few of her friends at a hamburger fry at her home on the Sweden Road Wednesday evening of last week. Guests present were Joyce Allyn, Phyllis Allyn, Virginia Kingsley, Wilson Piper, Hayes Gahagan, Thomas Vose and Harry Vinal.

• The State Highway Police are active in the county on a safety drive and inspection tour. with them is a loud-speaker equipped car, by means of which they have given many safety talks. So better make sure the registration and driver’s license is with the car, that your lights and brakes are properly functioning and that there is not enough real estate on the number plates to make a garden plot. Those stopped by the officers comment on the courtesy shown by the men. They are efficient and firm in their enforcement of the traffic laws, at the same time they are thorough gentlemen and their manner leaves a most pleasant impression.

50 Years Ago: July 13, 1961

• Fifty-five horses and ponies were registered for the 17-class Aroostook Riding Club horse show July 4, in Mars Hill.Sonny Boy, ridden by Idell Jacobs of Caribou was again high point Western Grand Champion ribbon winner and the high point English Grand Champion ribbon winner was again Maxine Bubar of Caribou, riding her Morgan mare, Pandra. Reserve English resulted in a tie between Kala Kalat, ridden by Irene DaFonte of Presque Isle, Nu Shah, ridden by Pete Palmer of Smyrna Mills and U.N. Rose, ridden by Wendy Lombard of Caribou.

• Donald and Dorothy Anderson, twins of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Anderson of New Sweden, observed their 10th birthday with guests Angela Adamson, Rhonda Bengtson, Jasmine Erickson, Ann and Brent Jepson, Dana Carlson, Johnny Hedman, Becky Johnson, Mrs. Ella Anderson and Roger and Vonla Anderson.