Kenney family reunion held

13 years ago

Kenney family reunion held


by Jennifer Buzza

The Kenney family reunion was held July 30 at the Aroostook River Snowmobile Club. There were 94 family members and six guests who came from many states, the farthest being Dan Bagley from Alaska.

Coffee and donuts were served during the social hour and the younger members were entertained by Holly Higgins and Krista Hopkins with their many games and prizes. A potluck lunch was enjoyed by all. Following a moment of silence for family members who have passed on, the family business meeting was conducted by president Andrea Hallett. There were four new births reported, along with one marriage and one deceased family member. A donation was made to the Mapleton Alumni Scholarship Fund in memory of William Cecil Lint.

Officers elected for 2012 were Wayne Chaisson (president), Maylen Kenney (vice president), Marie Ellis and Cathie Farnum (co-secretaries), Heather Winslow (treasurer) and Karel Kenney (newsletter).

A scholarship was given to an eligible family member entering college this fall. This year’s 50/50 raffle was won by Mark Kenney. The day’s activities concluded with the family craft/food auction, during which auctioneer Preston Kenney graciously emptied the pockets of various family members.



LO-MAPLETON-DC1X-SH-32Photo courtesy of Jennifer Buzza
MAPLETON’S PONY LEAGUE TEAM won the 2011 Aroostook County Pony League Championship July 29.

Pictured are team members, from left, front row: Tristen Woodworth, Garrett Watt, Josh Boucher, Cristian Nunez, Brad Guerrette, Christian Lunn and Carter LaPointe.

Back row: Brett Wilson (coach), Saul Nunez, Cody McGlinn, Conor Seward, Karson Eaton, Frank Nunez and Jonah Stephenson (coach).



Birthday wishes this week go out to Gabriel Ryan Joseph Michaud, Andrew McQuade, Michelle Rossi, Michaela Powers, Molly Turner, Jim Burrill, Drake Richard Boucher, Melanie Duncan, Heidi Graham, Mark Ayotte, Georgia Parker, Michelle Clair Cushman, Anita Currier, Tyler Shurley, Ashley Pendexter, Amanda Laurie Winslow, Dylan Eugene Gilson, Gary Brewer, Abigayle Clark, Darren Lewis Brewer and Stephen W.M. Landry.



Happy anniversary wishes this week to Steve and Terri Brown on the 10th, Scott and Kristy Kenney, Steve and Kathie Beaulieu and Randy and Laurie Stephenson on the 11th; Charles III and Heidi Currier on the 12th, Dave and Pam Powers on the 13th, Fudd and Brenda Wood and Nathan and Melissa Maurais on the 14th; Brian and Luanne Michaud on the 15th, and Barry and Martha Buck on the 16th.


Upcoming yard sale

The Chapman Ridge Runners will be holding its annual yard sale on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 9 and 10 at the clubhouse from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. This one promises to be even bigger and better than last year! Come find great bargains! Call Linda at 762-3741 for pick up, if you have any donations. No clothing please; only snowmobiling clothing will be accepted.


Kids’ Camp

The West Chapman Advent Christian Church will be hosting a Vacation Bible School this week through Friday, Aug. 12 from 6-8 p.m. All children ages 3 through the sixth grade are welcome to attend the activities. The theme this year is “Son Rock Kids’ Camp” and will include Bible lessons, crafts, games and snacks. Children do not have to be church members to attend. For more information or to pre-register, please contact Lynn Maillett (evenings) at 764-1827 or Maralee Gardiner (evenings) at 764-4133. The church is located at 3466 West Chapman Road, Chapman.


Museum open

The Haystack Historical Society Museum is now open for visitors on Saturdays through Aug. 27. Doors are open from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. On every Saturday that the museum is open, there will be a yard sale in the East wing. Visitors of all ages will enjoy the one-room schoolhouse, agricultural artifacts, clothing, furniture, and Girl Scout uniforms and handbooks all from decades ago. There is also information about the lynching of Jim Cullen. New this summer is a display of artwork by SAD 1 students. There is no charge to visit the museum, so stop by this Saturday! Please keep in mind the Historical Society meets the last Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Museum. Members and guests are always welcome. Are you interested in becoming a working member? Stop by and get a job assignment.


Recipes still needed

The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society is still looking for recipes. They would like to have their cookbooks ready for this Christmas. Recipes can be e-mailed to or mailed to CHGHPS, 1931 State Road, Castle Hill, Maine 04757. The public is encouraged to send many! The goal is to have at least 200 recipes. Please help the Society make this fundraiser successful!

New members, working and non-working, are encouraged to join. The Hall rental schedule is filling up quickly. If anyone is interested in using the Hall, please call 764-4826. The Hall is available now through October.


Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 760-9115, or by e-mail at