Auxiliary revitalizing unit
by Debbie Smith
Pattee-Page Unit 187 American Legion Auziliary met on Monday, Aug. 1, with five members and two guests present. This meeting was the first to be held in two years and it is hoped that this will be a revitalization of the Unit.
President Eldora Carter called the meeting to order, with the prayer by Chaplan Freda Dionne, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the preamble to the constitution.
A roll call of officers was made with all officers present. Those were, President Eldora Carter, Vice President Arlene Mullen and Treasurer Marjorie Corey. Jeannie Kneeland volunteered to be the secretary for the rest of the year as the former secretary, Dottie Beaton, has moved away. This was approved by a show of hands. The treasurer gave her report for money spent in the past two years and it was accepted by the group.
The president brought forward a plaque of the Auxiliary Charter, noting that there were quite a few names on that plaque that were misspelled. She also had a large original Charter which has been hanging on the wall of the Legion Hall since 1950 when it was received. She also had another large picture pertaining to the awarding of the Charter. The problem now is what to do with them as the Legion Hall has been condemned because of a severe mold problem and cannot be used. It was suggested that they might be given to the town’s museum if they would want them. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
After the reading of communications, new business was taken up. It was decided that the Unit would meet on the first Monday of the month at 1 p.m. and that they would meet at individual homes. This has been amended by the bylaws.
The Unit happily invited Anita Michaud to become a member and she accepted and was given the papers to fill out and an Auxiliary hat. Another guest, Helen Palmer, was there with intentions of transferring to the 187 Unit and will get all the paperwork done to do just that and she was happily welcomed.
Other names were mentioned who might be interested in joining if contacted. It is very important that this Auxiliary be rejuvenated with younger members because it is an important program for veterans when it can be carried out as it should be. Anyone eligible at this time will be more than welcome.
The meeting ended with a prayer by the chaplin and light refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Jeannie Kneeland on the Presque Isle Road but because of the Labor Day weekend, it will be held the next Monday, Sept. 12, at 1 p.m.
A house burned down
A house that had been in Easton for a number of years and formerly owned by Viva and Leigh Perry was burned down by the fire department.
The town has purchased the property for added space for the cemetery.
On Aug. 10, Lenux Lockhart has a birthday. Also on that day Bruce and Sonya Robbins and Shawn and Karen Clark have an anniversary.
On Aug. 11, Stephanie Hammond, Teri McPherson, Brad Trask, Beulah Marquis, Tim Embelton and Jared Hafford all have a day to celebrate. A very special happy birthday to Jared Hafford. We love you. Chelsea and Matt Hopkins, Lee and Wendy Ambrose and Scott and Penny Richardson also have anniversaries that day.
On Aug. 12, Malinda Yoder, James Willis, Paul Mullen, Kathy Fitzherbert, Devyn Gray, Kirk Jordan and Allison Ireland have birthdays. Also on Aug. 12, Arlene and Paul Mullen have an anniversary.
Diane Green, Julie Waugh, Brandon Carlow, Loren White, John Young, Donna Allen and Tim Rooney all have a birthday on Aug. 13.
On Aug. 14, Jeffrey Johnson and Henry Pelletier will be another year older. Julie and Matt Nadeau and Andrew and Nichole King also have an anniversary that day.
On Aug. 15, Tina Henderson has a birthday. Also on that day, Karen and Ken Hammond will be celebrating their anniversary.
On Aug. 16, Chris Smith, and Rylee Webb will be celebrating their birthdays. Hope you have a great birthday, Chris. We love you.
Blessings to you all on your special day.
Debbie Smith is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by e-mail at or call 488-5530.