Old CHS pics found

13 years ago

Contributed photo
This picture shows CHS ladies in the food lab (home economics) in much earlier times. The photo was one of four discovered earlier this summer as crews worked at the former high school building, now the Caribou Middle School. Those who have information regarding the identification of any of these students or the year the photo might have originated from are asked to contact the Caribou Middle School or the Aroostook Republican office.


Earlier this summer, amid construction projects being done at the Caribou Middle School, workers  discovered four photographs in a custodial room. The black and white photos depict students in a shop class, the food lab (home economics), what appears to be a debate practice onstage in the auditorium and properly attired gentlemen, who may have been janitors, in the boiler room.

Susan White, principal at the CMS, stated that the photos generated a lot of conversation, with a number of individuals guessing as to what year they may have been taken. Although the photos are in prime condition, there are no dates or names recorded on the back.

Anyone who may have information pertaining to these pictures is encouraged to contact the Caribou Middle School at 493-4240 or the Aroostook Republican  at 496-3251.

BS-EarlyCHS-dc1-AR-36Contributed photo
Students on stage at what was at the time of the photo, Caribou High School, now the Caribou Middle School. This photo was discovered earlier this summer and anyone with information as to the year it may have been taken are asked to call either the Caribou Middle School or the Aroostook Republican  office. Taken in the auditorium, notice the original CHS emblem at the top, as well as the  rows of numbered seats.










Contributed photo
An early photograph of the boiler room at the Caribou High School (now the middle school) portrays custodial staff in proper attire. Anyone who can identify these individuals and/or the year the photo may have been taken should contact the Caribou Middle School or the Aroostook Republican office.








Contributed photo
This photograph, discovered at the Caribou Middle School earlier this summer, appears to show students in a shop class at what was the original Caribou High School on Glenn Street. Anyone who is familiar with the photo are encouraged to share their information with the Caribou Middle School or the Aroostook Republican office