1911: Hobbs, Burgess, Fox and son secure four deer during Oxbow hunt

13 years ago

100 Years Ago: Oct. 12, 1911

• E.F. Shaw and F.M. Tobin have built a garage for their automobiles in the rear of the Caribou Drug Co.’s store on Sweden Street.

• E.O. Dahlstrom returned Monday from a hunting trip on the Goddard Stream in Perham, accompanied by Steve August as guide. After a tramp through the woods of several miles the two hunters separated agreeing to meet again at a certain place. Mr. Dahlstrom seated himself on a log in the open and in a short time he heard a terrific noise to the rear. He turned  around and saw a large she bear just crossing over a fallen log. One shot from Mr. Dahlstrom’s rifle  and the animal fell over. He also shot one of her cubs and Tuesday was exhibiting the trophies from his hunt.

• L.D. Hobbs, Robert Fox and son and Owen Burgess have returned from a successful hunting trip above the Oxbow, making the trip in Mr. Hobbs’ automobile. They secured four deer.

• The marriage of Miss Harriet P. Sarah and Judson C. Cameron took place Wednesday evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sarah.

• George Shaw, who until recently has been employed in Bangor, has accepted a position as news agent for Chisholm Bros., and will run between Bangor and Caribou.

75 Years Ago: Oct. 8, 1936

• The World Series this week, which kept nearly every radio in town going the afternoons the game were played, reminded many of the older fans of the days before radio when all “chipped” to pay for inning by inning telegrams. The results were posted on a window of some agreed upon store. Betting heavy on the games and inning bets were taken up to the time the envelope was torn open.

• Motor vehicles throughout the state are required to undergo inspection this month. Cars and trucks not having an inspection sticker by Nov. 1, will have licenses suspended.

• Miss Madeline Peterson and Evelyn and Willard John, graduates of Stockholm Junior High in the Class of 1935, are attending Caribou High.

• The Caribou Motor Company’s garage is being improved by the hanging of new doors.

• Philip Jacobs was taken into the Sigma Nu Fraternity at the University of Maine last week.

50 Years Ago: Oct. 12, 1961

• Richard Winslow of Caribou was among those honored as James Bowdoin Scholars by Bowdoin College at the annual James Bowdoin Day exercises in the Piekard Theater in Memorial Hall. James Bowdoin Day is named in honor of Bowdoin’s earliest patron. It was instituted in 1941 to grant recognition to those undergraduates who distinguish themselves academically. Winslow if the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Winslow.

BS-Lookingback-dc2-AR-411986 — He may be young but four year-old Derek Jepson of Caribou is already independent, a backer of gubernatorial candidate Sherry Huber. Derek is the son of Ann and Brent Jepson. His grandparents, Ernest Chamberlain and Gwen Harmon of Caribou, were instrumental in convincing Derek to pose for posterity.

• As has been the case in Caribou for the last several years, the deer hunting season will be “officially” opened by a Hunters’ Breakfast Monday morning at 2 a.m. Sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the breakfast will be held at Hotel Caribou and will continue until 7 a.m. A spokesman for the Jaycees said that there would be at least 100 prizes for hunters and that the lucky one attending the breakfast and bringing back the first deer would be well rewarded as in past years.

• Robert Espling of New Sweden has been recalled to active duty in the U.S. Army and will report at Fort Campbell, Ky., on Nov.3.

• A large percentage of young drivers seem to believe that automobiles are nothing more than toys  At least they rail to drive in a mature manner, says Chief John Doak of the Caribou Police Department, who adds: “We are getting very concerned about the driving of some of our young people. Many of them are getting worse instead of improving. Some of them brag about the officer they got away from. These are the ones we must get tough with.”

• Mrs. Merrita Anderson, Mrs. Dorothy Cooper and Mrs. Helen Borjeson, teachers in the Stockholm schools, attended the convention in Bangor this week. They were accompanied by Mrs. Polly Anderson, a teacher in the Woodland Consolidated School.