115 Years Ago: Dec. 10, 1896
• The potato market is improving, prices are from 50 to 55 cents per barrel today.
• The high school is full to overflowing with 110 pupils registered for the winter term.
• Fred Drake and son arrived home Friday from a short hunting trip to Perham where they secured a deer, shot by the young man.
• William R. Bubar, Sam Wilcox, Henry Cochran and Richard Brown returned to Caribou Friday night from Beaver Brook, where Mr. Bubar shot a buck deer having a fine set of horns.
• The Odd Fellows Hall was the scene of a brilliant party Friday evening, given in honor of Miss Madge Goud and Louis C. Sterns, Jr., who are now at home to spend their vacation from school.
• There has been a great complaint by potato shippers that they have been unable to secure cars in which to forward stock. And this complaint, strangely enough, is made only when potatoes are high. Perhaps the B&A officials are doing all they can to secure cars, but the fact that the dealers on many a siding have to await their turn still remains.
• Potatoes are now quoted at $2 per barrel.
• Miss Marguerite Smith has accepted a position in the stationery store of George E. Willey.
• The new branch of the Aroostook Valley R.R. from Washburn to New Sweden has been opened for passenger traffic and is a great convenience and will prove more so in the future than now. And we might add that Caribou should have connections with the road and we hope to see some steps taken to that end before long.
• Mrs. Corydon Powers and daughter Bertha, expect to leave Monday next for California, where they will spend the winter. They will make several stops on their way west.
75 Years Ago: Dec. 17, 1936
• Caribou will have one of the largest municipal skating rinks in the state, according to a statement made to the Republican yesterday, by Edmond White, who has recently been appointed supervisor of the National Youth Administration in this town. The rink, on which work is being started today, will be located at the trotting park and will be within the oval formed by the racetrack. It will be 131 yards long and 52 yards wide, being so designed as to afford 220 yards, (1/8 mile) around the edge and allow for straight-away dashes of 100 yards or more.
• Doris Michaud, R.N., and Winifred Peterson, R.N., left Wednesday for St. Petersburg, Fla., where they have positions in the St. Anthony’s Hospital in that city.
• Mrs. Ola Cox and son, Richard, returned Saturday from Boston where they had been visiting friends and relatives for the past two months. Young Richard attended school during the entire time of the visit and felt somewhat cheated at being kept in school while his mother was free to do as she pleased. He was not particularly impressed with Boston schools or his teachers, making the comment that “they did not even know where Caribou is.”
• Four members of Caribou High School senior class were elected into the National Honor Society recently on the basis of scholarship, leadership, service and character. Those elected were Ruth Beal, Barbara Ulrich, Mabel Espling and Marie Gregory.
• The children of the Holy Rosary Parochial School are rehearsing for a colorful entertainment to be staged at the parish hall.