Group invites public to prayer night

12 years ago

Group invites public to prayer night

By Kathy McCarty

Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE — A non-denominational organization is inviting the public to an open prayer event later this month.

    “Men of Prayer, a non-denominational prayer group here in Presque Isle, will present an evening of prayer for our city. The meeting will be held at the Presque Isle Middle School Auditorium on Monday, April 23, at 6:30 p.m.,” said Paul Saija, one of the organizers.

    Saija said several houses of worship in the region plan to take part.

    “Several churches from Presque Isle and the surrounding areas will be actively involved,” he said.

    Saija made a personal appearance at City Council’s April meeting, inviting councilors, as well as the general public, to the night of prayer.

    “Prayers will be lifted up to God for the city, its leaders, businesses, non-profit organizations, the needy, schools, medical facilities and more, by area clergy as well as by Men of Prayer,” said Saija, in addressing the Council. “We invite you, your family and friends as we lift up the prosperity and well-being of our city in prayer to God.”

    Following the prayer meeting, a reception will be held in the school cafeteria, hosted by Ladies of The Light. For information on the reception, call Norma Kinney at 551-7704.

    The meeting is free and no offering will be taken, only prayer requests in a prayer box.

    “Join us as we continue to ask for God’s blessings on our city. All are welcome,” said Saija.

    For more information on the prayer night, call Saija at 551-8343.