Central Aroostook / Bridgewater

13 years ago

    Central Aroostook Jr./Sr. High School Guidance Director, Sadie Shaw, has announced the third quarter honor roll for the 2011-12 school year for the Bridgewater students.
    GRADE 7 – Highest Honors: Sarah Gerritsen. High Honors: Clark Bradbury, Sage Braman and Halee Rusby. Honors: Logan Grass.
    GRADE 8 – Highest Honors: Abigail Boyce. High Honors: Molly Anthony.
    GRADE 9 — Highest Honors: Whitnie Bradbury and Carly Grass. High Honors: Ethan Bradstreet.
    GRADE 10 – Highest Honors: Savannah Braman. Honors: Cory Richardson.
    GRADE 11 – High Honors: Dylan Murray. Honors: Darrin Murray.
    GRADE 12 – Highest Honors: Whitney Klein. High Honors: Zechariah Sargent.