115 Years Ago: June 17, 1897
• H.S. Hardison is making preparations to open the cheese factory next week.
• Hiram Skillings and John Rediker have taken a contract to rebuild the bridge across the Caribou Stream on the Washburn road a mile and three-quarters out of the village.
• L.N. Berce and E.G. Farrell returned to Caribou Sunday from a fishing trip to Square Lake. They brought home 30 trout.
• Samuel Little has completed the new schoolhouse in the Calkins District. The seats, which have been made by J.S. Getchell & Son after one of the most approved models, will be put in place next week. The school will commence on Monday, June 28th with Eugene Hackett, teacher.
100 Years Ago: June 13, 1912
• The building occupied by the Aroostook Trust & Banking Co. has been moved directly back on Vaughan Avenue. Workmen are now busy excavating a basement where the building formerly stood preparatory to the erection of a new and modern brick building. The dirt removed from the basement is being taken to the new Methodist parsonage lot and will be used for grading.
• The Farrell building on Sweden Street has been connected with the sewer this week.
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morse and family of Woodland passed through this place Sunday in their new automobile.
• Members of the Caribou High School graduating Class of 1912 include Hazel M. Cleary, Verna Norton, Verna B. Cochrane, Mary L. Trusty, Vivaneen B. Warren, Nina E. Lewis, Letha L. Hanna, Verna M. Long, Margaret F. Shea, Ellen V. Pierson, Emma C. Storm, Loretta A. Lynch, Susan H. Sirois, Ernest C. Mahoney and George M. Trusty.
75 Years Ago: June 17, 1937
• Two new automobiles have appeared in Westmanland recently — a terraplane driven by Oscar Peterson and a Chevrolet coupe driven by Philip Deschane.
• Mrs. G.A. Ritchie and Mrs. P.H. McNelly were hostesses at two contract parties at the home of Mrs. McNelly on Collins Street. The first was a one o ‘clock luncheon, covers being laid for 24 and at 6:30 p.m. dinner was served to 28 guests.
• Caribou’s heavens were traversed by a brilliant celestial visitor about 11 o’clock Sunday night. A brilliant light, as from a calcium flare, illuminated the entire sky and left a luminous trail which persisted for at least a minute and a half. The meteor was traveling in a northwesterly direction and one observer said that it left a trail resembling a huge rocket, clearly visible for some time after the meteor itself had passed from view.
• A barn raising was held at the farm of Ernest Thompson in Limestone Wednesday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Jud Wilcox will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on June 25.