The prime directive in Tampa
By Hon. Hayes Gahagan
Weather permitting, I’ll be in Tampa this week, serving as a Delegate to the Republican National Convention as part of the “10/10” compromise offered by the Republican National Committee.
The 10/10 compromise is a consequence of RNC rules violations at the Maine State Convention earlier this year. The RNC compromise provides that 10 Ron Paul Delegates will be seated and 10 Mitt Romney Delegates will be seated in Tampa,
To send Delegates to the Republican National Convention, all Republican State Committees, including Maine, must follow RNC rules for the selection of National Delegates. RNC is both judge and jury regarding individual state compliance of RNC rules.
It is my understanding that the RNC 10/10 compromise for Maine has been approved by the national Ron Paul and Mitt Romney organizations and that Maine has now accepted the 10/10 compromise.
By agreeing to be seated as part of this compromise, I will be representing all Maine Republicans, both those with traditional conservative leanings as well as those with libertarian leanings.
Based on my understanding of the 10/10 compromise, I expect all Maine Republicans could agree it is better for Maine to be represented by the 10/10 Delegates to the Republican National Convention than not to be represented at all.
Republicans, Libertarians, many if not most Independents, and conservative-leaning Democrats will also agree that the survival of Our Republic will require all of our energy to reverse the bankrupting slide into a European brand of socialism by returning to the founding American principles of individual liberty and accountability incorporated in our U.S. Constitution and its corresponding free enterprise economic system.
Therefore, the “Prime Directive” of the Republican Party, beginning this week in Tampa, must be to unite and focus on the defeat in November of Barack Obama and those who share his collectivist ideology.
Hayes Gahagan of Castle Hill is a former State Senator from Aroostook County and currently serves as chairman of the Aroostook County Republican Committee.