• Potatoes have advanced in price since our last issue. The price today is $1.50 to $1.55 per barrel.
• Grading on the Aroostook Northern Railroad is all completed and the rails laid to within a mile of Limestone.
• Miss Blanche Briggs, who has been teaching school in Bridgewater, arrived home Friday, having finished the fall term.
100 Years Ago-Oct. 31, 1912
Advantage of electric lights — Owing to an accident at the power house, electric lights did not come on Sunday night, leaving the town in darkness. The greatest disadvantage was at several churches which held their services by the aid of a few dim kerosene lamps. On such occasions as these, people can really appreciate the advantage of electric lights.
Election! — The advertisement reads: “Election! Next Tuesday, come and vote for Roosevelt.
75 Years Ago-Nov. 4, 1937
Grape growing in Aroostook — In a letter to the editor, Mr. O. B. Griffin shares his experiences growing grapes in Aroostook County. “Three years ago, I purchased from the New York Fruit Testing Association two vines of the new variety, Fredonia…All grape vines as far north as this should be taken down and covered over winter with some coarse material, which will not attract mice, and a few evergreen boughs to hold the snow.”
Doctor’s orders — A passenger from the southern part of the state to Caribou on the B. & M. Airways recently had instructions from his physician, due to a certain malady, to travel only by plane. This should be an indication that air travel is a healthy mode of transportation.
50 Years Ago-Nov. 1, 1962
Golden anniversary — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Akerson of Perham observed their 50th wedding anniversary, Oct. 21, with an open house. Mr. Akerson, 72, a farmer, resides on the homestead where he was born Mar. 31, 1890. Mrs. Akerson, the former Christine Dahlen, 71, was born in Morsil, Sweden and at the age of 15 came to Stockholm, Maine.
Art Club welcomes instructor — Mrs. Charles Benson Jr. of Monticello was a guest of the Caribou Art Club at the Nylander Museum. Introduced by President Eldred Larkin, Mrs. Benson will be the new art teacher, and will be present (at the museum) two evenings each month.
25 Years Ago-Nov. 4, 1987
UNICEF trick or treating — In a letter to the editor, John Morgans, Education Committee Chairman of Grant Memorial United Methodist Church, thanked those citizens who showed their support of the annual UNICEF appeal where $235 was raised.
Naming the baby — The Caribou Chamber of Commerce announces the list of names submitted for this town’s Adopt-a-Caribou calf: Caribou Lou, Lyndon, Mary Mainedeer, Caribou, Carri Boo, C. C., Snoodles, Caroline, Precious, Honey and Princess.