Pet Talk

12 years ago

by Cathy Davis
    This coming weekend, Nov. 4, there will be a concert at 3:30 p.m. at the Houlton United Methodist Church by Kindred Harps. The concert will be to promote the harp group’s recent CD “All Creatures.” Profits from this venture will benefit the Houlton Humane society and the Ark Animal Sanctuary. The musical pieces are about animals, birds, bugs, sea dwellers, “all creatures.” Harps, flute, and a children’s chorus all come together to make up a most delightful collection of original and familiar music.
    The concert is free and open to the public. CD’s will be available for $10 and any donations to offset the cost of using the church will be gratefully received.
    Houlton Humane is honored to be chosen to be one of the recipients of donations from Kindred Harps.
    It is overwhelming the number of people who remember animals and the rescue work in the local area. We have children who have birthday parties and ask for dog and cat food, toys and treats and then bring them to the shelter. There are families who spend their “day out” every week at the shelter walking dogs or just sitting and playing with the cats. You might think this is not important but it is very important. Cats and dogs that have had regular routine interaction with adults and children are going to transition into a new home much faster and easier. This makes these animals more adoptable and we are grateful for this group of volunteers.
    We have families who remember the Houlton Humane Society at their most vulnerable time, when they lose a loved one. And we have families who remember the shelter when preparing their wills. Over the years, the shelter has been graced with multiple bequests, one of which made it possible for us to have a new building!
    We have families who think about us right around Christmas time – looking for a donation or two before the end of the year that they can declare on their taxes, and being animal lovers, their tax deductible donations are mailed in before Jan. 1.
    We have donors who live on very limited incomes who send us $5 a month, every single month, who are very dedicated and much appreciated.
    The truth is, without these donations, the rescue work could not continue. Some of our overhead is covered by town contracts; however, we still need to raise a significant amount of money on our own to pay the fuel oil bill, light bill, insurance, and other costs.
    One of the other ways that we fund our efforts is with retail sales. At the shelter you can purchase some awesome items, such as Mutt Nose Best dog shampoo and conditioners, at the best price in town, we have scented candles that are specifically geared toward eliminating pet odors but smell so good that even if you don’t have a pet, if you like scented candles, you must try these. We have dog collars and leashes, t-shirts and sweatshirts and other items for sale.
    A trip to the shelter doesn’t have to include an adoption – you could stop by to visit the critters and the staff (believe me, they love having company!), purchase a few items if you are so inclined, talk to the director about volunteering if you would like to give an hour a week or an hour a month, consider being on the board of directors or coming to meetings.
    Consider doing a little of your Christmas shopping at the shelter. I know that children love the t-shirts and mom or grandma would love a candle!
    Or you can just attend a concert on Nov. 4 and go from there! And to all of you who give, and there are so many, thank you for your continued support. And to Kindred Harps, thank you all so very much for thinking of us and remembering us and we can’t wait for the concert!