‘A Celtic Christmas’ entertains nearly sold-out CPAC crowd

12 years ago
Aroostook Republican photo/Lisa Wilcox
Storyteller Tomaseen Foley rehearses for the performance of his show “A Celtic Christmas” at the Caribou Performing Arts Center on Dec. 6.

CARIBOU — On Dec. 6, a nearly sold-out crowd at the Caribou Performing Arts Center was entertained as they shared in a traditional Irish celebration with the performance of storyteller Tomaseen Foley’s “A Celtic Christmas.” The show combines the stories, song, music and dance from Foley’s childhood in a small village in the west of Ireland.

“It was really a fun show to watch, and everyone had their favorite part,” said Richard Ezzy, who promoted the show for CPAC. “One patron told me he could have listened to Tomaseen’s stories all night.  Many people marveled at the amazing and talented musicians and dancers.”

One of the biggest highlights of the evening was the “deadly dance duel,” where Celtic dancer Brian Bigley challenged any of the “neighbors” in the audience to out-dance him. Anna Scheidler of Perth-Andover, NB, a former Stockholm resident, took on the challenge and engaged in a spirited back and forth contest with Bigley.  The show closed with an Irish wish for the holidays — “Good health to the men and may the women live forever” — followed by the singing of “Silent Night” by the entire audience.








Aroostook Republican photo/Lisa Wilcox
  Celtic dancers Ciara Cullen and Brian Bigley rehearse for Tomaseen Foley’s “A Celtic Christmas,” performed at the Caribou Performing Arts Center on Dec. 6












Aroostook Republican photo/Lisa Wilcox
Celtic performer Kathleen Keane rehearses a song for the performance of Tomaseen Foley’s “A Celtic Christmas” at the Caribou Performing Arts Center on Dec. 6.