Retiring from county political post

12 years ago

To the editor:
    I will be retiring as chairman of the Aroostook County Republican Committee and long-standing member of the Republican State Committee. Elections for new officers of the Aroostook County Republican Committee will be held Saturday, Feb 16 at 9 a.m. at the Caribou Inn and Convention Center.
    For the Republican Party to become anything more than Democrat-Lite, it (or something that replaces it) must clearly articulate and represent the limited government world

view of the Founders of our Republic. This will take realignment, or reformation, of what could or should have been a majority coalition of constitutional conservative political activists Nov. 6, 2012.
    The problem is we’re headed towards an unsustainable limitless government by elite bureaucratic edict, a government “of the government, by the government, and for the government” that will inevitably become tyrannical and crush individual rights.
    I believe the solution is for Americans, who believe we are still One Nation Under God with inalienable individual rights, to unite in opposition to the secular-humanistic, relativistic, liberal, progressive world view, characterized by an expanding government of bureaucratic rules and regulations that have the full effect of law without checks, balances or accountability to legislatures or the people who elect them.
    For now, I’ll be focusing a majority of my time and attention on business, church and family matters.
Hon. Hayes Gahagan
Presque Isle