115 Years Ago- Apr. 7, 1897
• Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Skillings, who have been running the Alpine candy kitchen on Sweden St. for several months, have closed out their place of business, and went to Sangerville.
• L. N. Berce, G. L. Doe and Warren Ellingwood retuned to Caribou from a fishing trip to Square Lake where they caught several large togue. The gentlemen report four feet of snow in the woods.
100 Years Ago-Apr. 3, 1913
• Maysville news — H. W. Kierstead went to Fort Fairfield Sunday to get Miss Andelusia Armstrong, who is going to keep house this summer for his family. Miss Alice Christie, who has been working for Mrs. M. B. Hayford was called to Keswick Ridge, N. B. by a family illness.
• Washburn boy rescued — Little Willie Stewart came very near drowning recently when he slid over the steep embankment near the bridge into the stream. The cries of the children with whom he was sliding attracted the attention of M. J. Stairs, who went to the rescue.
75 Years Ago-Apr. 7, 1938
• New dry cleaning plant — What is believed to be the most modern dry cleaning plant in Maine was opened in Caribou on Tuesday by Pius A. Sirois. It is located on Record Street in the building formerly occupied by the Tingley Bakery and opposite Beal’s Garage. The plant will be supervised by Irving W. Boucher, Mrs. Rose Keating in charge of the clerical department and Merle Oak in charge of pickup and deliveries.
• At the movies — Showing this week at the Paramount Theater in Fort Fairfield: “Mannequin,” featuring Joan Crawford and Spencer Tracy; “Of Human Hearts,” starring Walter Huston and James Stewart; and “Accidents will Happen,” featuring Ronald Reagon and Gloria Blondell.
50 Years Ago-Apr. 4, 1963
• New police cars, $1,193 each — The Town Council opened bids on two new police cars this week with Northern Sales and Service being the successful bidder. Under the bid, the cars will cost $3,140 each with an allowance of $1,747 for trade-ins.
• Drag strip proposed — The Aroostook Auto Association Club, consisting currently of the Inchers Auto Club and Pleasant Pacers Club, are meeting Sunday afternoon at the USO to examine and develop plans for a local drag strip in Aroostook County.
25 Years Ago-Apr. 6, 1988
• Pattens to reopen Limestone store — Last Christmas evening, David and Sharon Patten were at home relaxing when their phone rang at 10 p.m. The Pattens True Value and Variety store their family had worked so hard to establish was on fire. The cause cited was a malfunction in electrical wiring. The store will reopen today and the Pattens are anxious to get started again.
• Winning Megabucks purchased in Caribou — A Van Buren man who bought a Tri-State Megabucks Lottery ticket at Caribou One Stop last week is the sole winner of the $900,000 jackpot. Harold Thivierge, 50, will receive $45,000 per year for the next 20 year, less tax deductions.