A busy couple of months for the Daughters of Isabella

11 years ago

Submitted by Dolores Martin
Holy Rosary Circle #638 Scribe

    The past two months have been very busy for the local Daughters of Isabella. We have held two meetings. At the April meeting, Pastor Father Jen Paul Labrie addressed the Circle giving thanks and appreciation for our continued service to the church and for the donation of $1,000 to the fuel fund at Holy Rosary.

    He mentioned that many have joined our church in this Easter season and he also stated that Pope Francis is a wonderful gift to our church and asked for continued prayers for him.
    A letter from Corey Morin, Parish of the Precious Blood coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, is seeking assistance with Lifeteen Convention in June. Our circle, moved by Theresa Wunderlich and seconded by Dolores Martin to send $100. All were in favor. Visiting of the Sick cards were sent to Joan Bishop, Omerine Cyr, Lena Dyer, Germaine Albair, Iva Devoe, Theresa Wunderlich, Sue Kim and Mirelle Damboise.
    Four layettes were given out in March.
    The local scholarship from our Circle went to Alyssa Randolph. She is the granddaughter of member Claire Randolph.
    An invitation was read from St. Mary’s Circle in Presque Isle to attend the annual Queen of Isabella Day that was held April 21, starting with Mass at 9 a.m. followed by brunch at the Knights of Columbus hall.
    Member Rena LaGasse submitted a poem for the State Convention based on the Footprints prose. It was read to the members by Past Regent Elaine Haines.
    The May meeting was held on May 7, starting with a delicious potluck supper. An open meeting followed. Regent Gail welcomed all the members present along with guest Robin Fortin.
    A transfer member was welcomed from St. Mary’s Circle in Orono. Priscilla Foley is now a member of our Circle.
    The charter was draped in memory of Past Regent Lena Dyer from our Circle. Lena was a longtime member and held many offices including on the state board.
    The 50/50 raffle was won by newly transferred member, Priscilla Foley, in the amount of $14.50. Happy birthdays noted for the month of May and Priscilla was the recipient of a small gift.
    Correspondence received was a letter from the Maine Veterans Home asking for donations for the Relay for Life. It was decided not to contribute at this time as many members do it individually.
    A thank-you letter was read from Corey Morin for the donation towards the Lifeteen Conference to be held in Arizona in June.
    A letter from International Secretary-Treasurer Susanne Suchy was read thanking all the members for their prayers and cards.
    A letter from International Regent Christianne Chagnon was read by our Regent. Regarding Indiana State Regent Margaret Clark, Christianne will be doing the service at the state meeting.
    Norma Bouchard, who has moved to Bangor, sends her regards to all the daughters. Phyllis Belanger brought greetings to the Circle from Jeanne Bushnell who is now serving overseas at Katar. She displayed a beautiful scarf that Jeanne sent. Jeanne will be away for a year.
    Visitation of the Sick: Cards were sent to Lena Dyer, Eleanor Gagnon, Elaine Haines, Sharon Ellis, Ozline Fisher, Julie Goodall, Chelsea McEwen and Kristina McEwen. Cards will be sent to Lillian Keaton, Diane Saucier and Josephine Bell.
    Five layettes were given out during the past month. Lucille Wark donated some baby blankets for the layettes. Regent Gail displayed a layette for the guests. Our layettes are valued at $100 apiece and are from donations from the members to support this worthy cause.
    Rena Lagasse addressed the members asking them to provide light refreshments for the Second Holy Communion to be held after the 9 a.m. Mass on May 19. The calling committee will remind the members to bring items for this occasion next week.
    State Convention will be held in Saco, May 17, 18 and 19. The theme for this year’s convention is “Surrendering to Christ in Faith” (footprints in the sand). Members Gail Hjort, Mary Ellen Field and Dolores D. Martin will be representing Holy Rosary Circle #638. Our theme basket for our circle was Mother’s Day and members were asked to bring items for this basket to be raffled at the convention. Members brought in items to fill two baskets.
    Our final meeting until fall will be held June 4 at 6 p.m. This will be an ice cream social. Regent reminded everyone to sign the activity and attendance sheets. She thanked the refreshment committee for tonight consisting of Peggy Winston, Mary Ellen Field, Theresa Wunderlich, Madeline Guerrette and Gail Hjort.