Suitter to walk Sunday for Jimmy Fund cause

11 years ago

Paul Suitter will be participating in the Jimmy Fund Walk on Sunday, Sept. 8 in Boston.
Suitter said, “This is the 25th year for the Jimmy Fund Walk and the 60th anniversary of the Jimmy Fund, itself. The Jimmy Fund raises money for both cancer treatment and research at Boston’s Dana Farber Cancer Institute.”

Originally, the Fund was used for pediatric cancer treatment and research, but over time it has grown substantially and the money raised goes toward treatment and research for all types of cancer affecting all ages.
“This will be my second time participating in the walk,” explained Suitter. “I first did the walk in 2011. Unfortunately with starting my first year of law school last year, my schedule did not allow for me to participate. Walkers have an option of doing a one mile, five mile, half marathon or full marathon walk. I’ll be doing the full marathon (26.2 miles) again this year. The last time it took about eight hours in total including a few stops to rest and change socks.”
Suitter wanted to participate again because of his “incredible experience” the first time.
“I (like most all of us) have had multiple members of my family battle cancer, and I’m sure that some of the research behind the treatments that have helped save some family members came out of Dana Farber,” he said. “This year it will be even more meaningful than before. First, I lost a family member over the summer to cancer, and I’ll certainly be thinking of him during the walk. Second, Dana Farber is one of the official research hospitals for the Harvard Medical School, and now that I’m at HLS, I think it is kind of great that I get to support another part of my university. Finally, the route of the walk always follows the exact route of the Boston Marathon from Hopkinton, Massachusetts to Copley Square in the Back Bay of Boston, and it will be the first time the city has a major event on the route since the tragedy this past Patriots Day.”
Suitter has pledged to raise $300, “though it would certainly be great if I can raise more,” he said.    “I’m confident that I’ll be able to reach my target by the walk day,” he said. “I’m also doing the event with a law school classmate this year who will also raise at least $300 for the walk.’
Last year the Jimmy Fund Walk had 7,802 participants who raised just under $7 million to fight cancer. If people are interested in donating or just learning more about the Jimmy Fund, the Walk, or Dana Farber, they can go to this link: http://www.jimmyfund