Hello everyone once again. Snow is gently falling as this is written, as it has since early Sunday. Oh well, some of us will be happy, some of us will be sad. Too bad we all don’t have the same viewpoint about snow.
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service at St. Mary of the Visitation Church was well attended. I was in another part of the church during its service and I could hear the trumpets sounding.
It was a familiar sound as my father and two brothers played the same instrument. A bit of nostalgia was present.
We thank St. Mary Church and all its volunteers for sponsoring dinner with all its fixings Thanksgiving Day. Three of us from Ricker Plaza enjoyed the meal. Rev. David Raymond, pastor, told us that 130 dinners were served. (Many dinners went out to shut-ins.) How nice to see the teens and preteens, couples, Knights of Columbus, a deacon, and all volunteers help to make our day easier. Many thanks to all and give praise to the Lord!
Louise Guillette of Four Seasons in Houlton, is a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital, at the time of this writing. Get better, Louise, we miss you.
Nice to report Carmen Chasse’s mother is better. Carmen is so good to call me and tell me of her health and I thank you very much.
Peggy Robinson of the third floor is in Las Vegas. She’s been there for a few days. Peggy, we miss you but have a great time.
Another friend, Joyce Hughes of Elm Street Extension, fell outdoors at her property and broke her arm. Sorry for her misfortune. If I can assist in any way, Joyce, please call me, 532-2125.
Christmas parties are coming up — I have one tomorrow. One or more than one has already decorated for this popular holiday, at Ricker Plaza.
A friend accompanied me to the Houlton High School musical “Fame,” last Sunday afternoon, at Houlton Community Arts Center. I did not see this musical either on television or the screen, but the teenagers did very well.
Thanks for everyone on the program, including those who worked behind the scenes as well as the singers. Many hours of rehearsal are spent to make a musical. Looking back on the teen years, I was a character named Daisy Mae. Oh, those years, what memories!
A new couple is on the second floor — welcome to Gerald and Mrs. Ireland, hope your days at Ricker Plaza are happy ones.
Shirley Nason and one of her brothers spent the holiday in the vicinity of Bangor, visiting and sharing their meal with them. I haven’t seen Shirley since, but I assume she and her family arrived back home safely.
Received an encouraging letter from Byrna (Mae Porter) Weir from Rochester, N.Y. To quote Byrna: “Reading your column is like visiting your building.”
Byrna said: “Back in the 1940s my brother Leonard went ‘collecting’ with the Hall twins, Edward and Albert. One lovely lady invited them in for lobster rolls made on the spot. Byrna was referring to Halloween. I will write about another part of your letter, in a future column, Byrna, and thanks for your welcome letter.
We are preparing for Christmas, the holy season and the time of Advent. My bible quote is: “Lord I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof” taken from Matthew 6:6.
One of my readers missed my angel quote one week so here is another: “Angel Gabriel, come bring me good news, as you did when you told Mary of the child growing within her. Tell me, Gabriel, what dreams are growing within me? What miracles will I give birth to one day?” May your week be filled with love and joy but healthful too!