Thanksgiving guests of Herschel and Muriel Fogg included daughter, Cindy Gardiner and daughters, Amanda and Ashley, from Rockland. While here, they visited with friends before returning home the day after Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs Clayton Webb were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Shaw in Patten, returning home following dinner and an afternoon of visiting. The weather really cooperated and there were no snowflakes to make the driving dangerous.
Also enjoying Thanksgiving were John and Shelley Stevens and Riva Hawkes, who drove to Stacyville where the VFW had prepared a wonderful dinner that was open to the public. Many attended the dinner, which was cooked and served by VFW members and their wives.
I have a large flock of gold finch now eating from my feeders and they seem to outnumber the chickadees by quite a lot. I watched them one morning and they had taken possession of all the feeding areas and the poor chickadees had to dart in when there was a break.
I have seen a few woodpeckers, both large and small, and an occasional blue jay, but, so far, it is mainly the gold finch and chickadees.
I saw two gray squirrels one day and one was hanging from his feet, upside down, trying to eat all the sunflower seeds he could from a hanging feeder.
I haven’t seen them since, so maybe they have some food hidden away someplace.
And two days before hunting season ended, I was happy to see the three deer appear in my backyard again and they stayed there for at least a half hour before disappearing into the woods nearby.