Island Falls News

11 years ago

Mr. and Mrs. Almon Townsend of Houlton have been recent supper guests of Clayton and Charlene Webb. All enjoyed a great boiled dinner, followed by a slice of delicious homemade almond flavored cake, and an evening of fellowship.

I heard recently from my family down in Atlanta, Ga. They informed me of the snowstorm that Atlanta had awhile back and the fun they had with the snow, while it lasted. They also wanted to know how I cope with all of the white stuff we get up here in Maine. I just told them we were used to it.
The deer have been playing havoc lately with my bird feeders. I have suddenly discovered them and every night they get into them and eat all the sunflower seeds so that when morning comes, the birds have no breakfast available. So I dash out and fill up the feeders to keep everyone happy.
I have seen a couple of purple finch (we call them red poles) at the feeders and also a stray nuthatch shows up once in awhile along with a little junco. The three deer are still arriving for bread and apples and, of course, now linger to attack the supply of sunflower seeds in my feeders. They are still climbing onto the huge snow bank by my cedar tree and have been having a ball eating all the cedar from the branches they reach while on the snow bank.