Penny wise and pound foolish

10 years ago

To the editor:
After installing a heat pump this winter, I have been very impressed with its performance — and the oil it saves. I am now buying a second heat pump.
I note that the bill to allow low-income families a $2,000 subsidy on heat pumps and solar installation would have cost the average electricity user .5 cents a month extra on our bills. I do not know about solar energy, but the time for heat pumps has arrived. With many low-income families needing assistance to buy oil to keep warm, it should have made sense for all the legislators in Augusta to support this bill.
The foreign firm that was prepared to invest millions of dollars in Maine’s world class ocean electricity generating capabilities, was chased away by Gov. LePage. It did not appear that UMO, who was working with this company, asked for this action. If the Senate had overridden LePage’s veto on this bill it would have generated millions of dollars in new business for Maine’s business, and saved these struggling families thousands of dollars on their oil bill.
It is time for some legislators to wake up and do something worthwhile to help Maine’s people and our economy, rather than sit on your duffs in Augusta!

Bob Tweedie