The need for theocratic democracy

10 years ago

To the editor:
You recently published two of my letters about the body’s wondrous communication system. Now may I offer your readers a climactic view of the body’s most wondrous communication with its natural environment.
Our bodies are essentially extensions of our natural environment and angry weather. Not only are we made of exactly the same stuff (soil, water, air, fire, spirit) but what we think and feel, the environment thinks and feels. The environment has one infinitely unifying spirit in every smallest particle right down to the subatomic particles that give it its shapes. There’s more space between those spinning, circling particles than there is between our planets and sun — relatively.
Furthermore, our atoms are not stable in our space-time, but are flashing on and off, in and out of space so fast as to exist on all planes of consciousness simultaneously. All matter has consciousness and is made of light particles, light waves and consciousness units (CU’s), as described by two-time, international bestselling psychic Seth/Jane Roberts.
When these particles and units are farthest from our space-time, they are in infinite Oneness. Hence the One (God) is influenced by our violent values, and It responds cooperatively with our beliefs, intents, needs and desires (BINDs). Thusly, mankind is in a squirming BIND, and there appears to be only one way out, as Jesus said, “No man cometh unto the Father but by me.” The Father is peace, love, truth and joy. We cannot ignore, deny or defy the teachings and values of Christ and still have peaceful and harmonious weather.
Since all major religions believe in the same Father, Source, God, all houses of worship are humanitarian centers of BIND-pacifying transformation. And so were our schools once, when we started our days with a pledge of allegiance and prayers to higher authorities — God and State (community) — than to our divisive, destructive little egos. We need a theocratic democracy.
Therefore, isn’t it time we refill the temples of all religions (as in past times of cataclysm), and invite them to enlighten and enliven our schools to calm the spirit that now enrages our weather and seemingly solid, conscious Earth?

Val Vadis