Registration for APP ‘Education to Industry’ Summit II

11 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Registration is now open for the upcoming Aroostook Partnership for Progress “Education to Industry” Summit II.
The summit, which is a follow-up to a similar event held last summer, is set for Thursday, Aug. 7 from 8 a.m.-noon at the University of Maine at Presque Isle Campus Center.
The first summit brought awareness about the growing need for skilled workers in Aroostook, especially in the 18- to 44-year-old demographic, and the second summit, according to APP President Bob Dorsey, will highlight best practices and expand on needs for County students to gain a better understanding of job awareness.
The summit is part of a larger APP “Education to Industry” initiative, which looks to promote more job shadowing and/or internships to show middle, high school and college students there are good jobs available in the region as long as job seekers strive to have the necessary training and skillset.
Electronic registration for the free event is available at,