Business Focus
Center Farms provides coal
as heating alternative
One of the basic needs of northern Maine living will always be heating, with a top concern for County residents being the type of fuel.
Bruce and Elaine White, owners of Center Farms, Inc., have provided anthracite coal from Eastern Pennsylvania as an alternative heating source to oil, wood and electric power since 1993.
“We strive to provide an affordable alternative heating source for Aroostook County residents and businesses who love the consistent and warm heating source of coal,” said Elaine White. “Out motto is: ‘Be wise. Be warm. Burn top grade anthracite coal.’”
Center Farms sells five sizes of coal to meet each customer’s needs. These include stove- and chestnut-size for stoves and furnaces and pea-, buckwheat- and rice-size for auger feed or hopper-styled parlor stoves. The coal is available in bulk or bagged.
Center Farms also deals in four brands of coal stoves and furnaces including Alaska, E.F.M., Hitzer and Keystoker.
Existing wood stoves may also be converted to coal-burning by adding shaker grates and a secondary air intake.
The benefits of coal heating include a long-lasting burn time, an efficient BTU output and no creosote (the cause of chimney fires).
For those customers unable to pick up their coal supply, Center Farms offers delivery services throughout all of Aroostook County and some areas south.
“Happy customers are our goal,” said White.
Center Farms, Inc. is located at 523 Houlton Road in Easton on Route 1A, just north of Easton center.
Hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday by appointment.
For more information call 488-2211, e-mail or visit their web site at