Farmers’ Market; Star of Stage and Screen

10 years ago

Farmers’ Market; Star of Stage and Screen

“Life is what happens while you are making other plans.” Certainly, that is what happened to Natalia Bragg. One day she was diligently collecting and drying herbs and forest flora for her winter projects as a traditional herbalist, and the next, she was cleaning like a crazy woman because a filming crew was due to arrive at her shop at Knot II Bragg Farm in Perham in less than 24 hours. Little did she realize that being a Cran-Bark connection for a locally grown television host was going to turn into a multi-media adventure.

Greta Martin, originally from The Valley but more recently host of “America—The View from the Top” on Time Warner Fox 8, contacted Natalia shortly after a rendezvous to drop off product that she (Greta) swears by and chooses not to do without. News feature instincts on Greta’s part generated Natalia’s participation in one show, local and on cable, last fall. “It was basically 20 Questions from the host. We covered ‘the what’ and ‘the why,’ basically — science, culture, history and anthropology. I figured that I can reach a maximum of 26 people at a time with one of my classes compared to I don’t know how many viewers on television. So I said ‘Sure. Come ahead.’”
“Medicine was really self-care using formulas passed down from generation to generation until after 1940. That has been lost.” Natalia’s commitment to teaching spun off a six-part series covering different topics. “Sinusitis, arthritis, burns, colds and flu … regular stuff. That was when the phones went crazy!” Natalia relates with a laugh.
The film crew returned to Perham in February, bringing along harsh reality, television style. “They wouldn’t let me just talk,” Natalia exclaims, “and I’m good at that!” They wanted 26 minutes of structured filming with no bunny trails for each show. They filmed 15 sections over about three weeks, nine of which will make it to air a bit later this summer. Each program provides about an hour and 18 minutes worth of suggestions to the question, “How would you like to know …” focused on concerns as diverse as cancer, asthma, bones and ligaments, allergies, chronic pain, and autoimmune diseases.
Natalia focuses on the complete apothecary she finds in the woods, fields, and waters of The County. She speaks in terms that anyone can understand. She looks forward to the airing of “her program,” of course, but also describes an upcoming BBM—Global Network Radio Show structured around a talk show format. It supports her belief in her own responsibility to pass on her knowledge and that of her mentors and ancestors. She remains equally committed to helping people to help themselves, sometimes visiting with customers for extended periods of time during her participation as a vendor at the Presque Isle Farmers Market.
“The Market Show” appears on Saturday mornings in the Aroostook Centre Mall parking lot between 8:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Stop by. Sit a spell. Be prepared to learn.
    The Presque Isle Farmers’ Market contact person is Gail Maynard, who operates Orchard Hill Farm in Woodland with her husband, Stan. Their phone number is 498-8541 and their email is