Raising funds for rural care

9 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — “The Beginning 1983.” Since then the Health Services Foundation has continued to grow and contribute back, to-date, for communities served $2,255,770.

From small fundraisers conducted in the beginning, the stage was set to grow and conduct not only major fund-raising campaigns that brought to Houlton Regional Hospital an Education/Conference Center, nuclear medicine imaging equipment, radiology/pediatric expansions, earlier film mammography equipment, then digital mammography, handicapped accessible van, and ultrasound, but additional funding for many, many vitally needed pieces of equipment/services over a wide range of hospital needs.

Each amazing campaign outcome has resulted in over $2 million in funding alone in health care services for Houlton Regional. The very rural nature of the Foundation’s service area makes it imperative providers have state-of-the-art technology/capital improvements, and educational services for patients. If this support were not available locally, those in need would have to travel elsewhere in search of health care help and travel in northern Maine can test anyone during long winter months. This is why we must have as many services needed right here.

Foundation support also includes area fire/ambulance services and schools for safe, healthy communities and educational opportunities bringing “Giving Back” over the $2.2 million mark.  The Elizabeth Bass and John Fitzpatrick scholarship funds provide student assistance for tomorrow’s health care leaders.

Deeply generous communities provide “Foundation Strength” with contributions that mean so much to all those needing health care services and education. Challenges are faced almost daily to meet the high standards of quality health care, and donors assisting in Foundation “Excellence in Health Care” efforts provide vitally needed funding to maintain those standards now and for the future.

“Amazing donor support absolutely improves/maintains the quality of local health care and for that the Foundation is deeply grateful,” said Elizabeth Dulin, executive director.

Giving Back $2,255,770.00 — “Made Possible” only through the extraordinary generosity of individuals, businesses and other grant-funding sources. A current $350,000 campaign will provide for 24 pieces of equipment and/or services to 12 hospital departments. The Foundation, to the best of its ability, provides financial assistance to non-profit health care providers in southern Aroostook, northern Washington, and northern Penobscot counties.

For more information or to make a donation that will truly make a difference contact the Foundation at 521-2147 or visit www.healthservicesfoundation.org.