Glad to attend Mawiomi

9 years ago

Glad to attend Mawiomi

    To the editor:
Upon a recent loss which we have been suffering, a friend of my husband encouraged us to attend the Aroostook Band of Micmacs 21st annual Mawiomi of the Tribes.

I knew right away that it was exactly what we needed, and where needed to be. Neither of us had ever been to one of these ceremonies before, so our spirits were fresh and open to the experience.
Right away I felt at home, welcomed by everyone seated around me at a picnic table. I delighted in the music of the band and loved the songs, especially the “original ones” sung by Brandon Johnson, a young man with an amazing voice.
It was a wonderful “people coming together,” and Cultural Director Simon Nevin deserves a lot of thanks in organizing it.
The singing, dancing in native dress, the drums, the retiring of the flags… it was all very moving.

Debbie Jean Jordan