Mapleton Lions Club will host 54th annual, charity auction

Jennifer Buzza, Special to The County
8 years ago

Mapleton Lions Club
will host 54th annual, charity auction


    Spring is here and so is the Mapleton Lions Club’s 54th annual charity auction.

The club will host the event on Saturday, May 7, 2016. Starting at 4:30 p.m., a ham and bean dinner will be served until 6 p.m. The menu will consist of baked ham with big and small baked beans, potato salad and a variety of dessert treats. Hot dogs will be available for children.
Starting at 6:30pm, the Lions will auction several hundred items and services by businesses in Presque Isle, Mapleton, Ashland and Portage. Included are gift certificates for groceries, car services and dining out. There will also be bags of fresh bread, potato chips, 50-pound bags of potatoes, car and truck oil changes and a variety of tools. For individuals without or limited health insurance, there are special items that include an eye exam and glasses from Dr. Richard Graves and a colonoscopy exam from the Aroostook Medical Center.
Also being offered for the second year is a hot-air balloon flight for two during the Crown of Maine Balloon Fest, which the Lions sponsor in August.
Everyone is invited to come, place a bid and go home with a deal for the year. All proceeds from the dinner and auction will benefit Lions Club Charities.
What are Lions Club Charities? These are all local organizations and individuals helped through the funds raised by the group, which makes available to the community the Lions Hall for special events that help children and youth such as the Mapleton Boy and Cub Scouts, the Mapleton Summer Recreation Program, several Presque Isle graduating classes and the various town pageants. Also, the club helps individuals and families with serious health and emergency needs.
Over the years, benefit dinners for cancer and fire victims have raised several thousands of dollars for families because the club could provide the Hall free of charge for the special event. However, the facility must be maintained and heated throughout the year, and funds for this are provided through rentals for family and group events and through the annual auction.
Project Graduation is supported, along with providing up to three college scholarships each year for local graduates. Bi-weekly community music sessions are held through Dusty’s Jamborees, and throughout the winter, community seniors use the hall for indoor walking and as a gathering place for knitting, quilting and game playing. Each Monday through the school year, the Mapleton seniors meet for a potluck lunch and have special workshops each month.
All of these groups and individuals benefit from the funds raised from the Lions Auction, spring and fall raffles, food sales at the Mapleton Daze, Maple Meadow Farm Fest and the Crown of Maine Balloon Fest.
The Mapleton Lions Club invites everyone to come out and support the community through its fundraising work.

Bible Study

    The Mapleton United Methodist Church will host a men’s four- week Bible study with Jim May starting on Thursday, April 28, at 9 a.m. at the church on Main Street in Mapleton.
This is for all men of the community who are interested. If there is an interest it will be continued in the fall.

Little League Baseball

    Mapleton’s recreation Little League baseball program is now accepting registrations for this baseball season.
Registration fees are $30 per resident and $50 per nonresident. Further details and registration forms may be obtained from the towns’ web site,, or from the town office.

Coaches to meet

    There will be a baseball coaches’ meeting for all current and prospective Mapleton
Little League coaches tonight, April 27, at 6 p.m. in the town office conference room.
Please contact Town Manager Jon Frederick at 764-3754 with any questions.


    Happy birthday wishes this week to Macey Currier, Alex Christie, Marilee Smith, Abby Estie, Jessica Boucher, Trent Stephenson, Madelynn Putnam and Paige Doyen.


    Happy anniversary wishes this week to Sid and Marilee Smith on the 28th.
  Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 760-9115 or at