Island Falls Seniors – week of May 24, 2017

7 years ago

The Island Falls Seniors met on May 18 at the municipal parking lot to travel to Millinocket for the club’s spring outing.  We chose to dine at Ruthie’s Hotel Terrace, and everyone agreed that we had made a wise choice.  The food, service and prices met or exceeded our expectations.

Attending were Mary Lawler, Verna Boone, Dennis Boone, Keith and Esther Harvey, Dick Shean, Edith Dwyer, Jeanne Clements, Marcy and Barney Coursey, Paige Coville, Darrell and Sherry Hartin, Louise Butcher, Rich Camire, Terry Dwyer, Gloria Noyes, Mary Pipes and guest Gary Springer.

Our next regular meeting will be on June 1, and we will play the bag game. We ask any senior to join us,  We always welcome guests or new members.