102 Years Ago – July 15, 1915
The Gibbs Comedy Co. at the Presque Isle Opera House — The Gibbs Comedy Co., very clever comedians, jugglers, musicians and acrobats, were enlivening things at the Presque Isle Opera House and drawing big houses, as they deserve to do. They merit approval as being a clean company and very clever and capable entertainers. Added to the picture reel, it was a big show for 15 cents.
A pair of oxen sold for beef — S. B. Farnsworth of Caribou, sold a pair of oxen for beef that girted 7 ft. 4 in. and dressed nearly a ton. The Republican thought this was not bad for Aroostook, where, supposedly, the farmers grow nothing but potatoes.
75 Years Ago – July 9, 1942
Emergency HDA — Mrs. Bessie Urquhart, of Presque Isle, had been appointed war emergency home demonstration agent in Aroostook County by the Maine Agricultural Extension Service for the two months period, July and August. Her job to assist Miss Margaret Peaslee, the regular Extension home demonstration agent, and conduct a series of food preservation demonstrations in every rural neighborhood in the county at which they will demonstrate the most approved methods of canning, drying, salting and storing fruits and vegetables for winter use.
Airfield Nine at Fort — The Presque Isle Air Field baseball club went to Fort Fairfield to tangle again with the Wanderers. The Fort club defeated the Airfield Nine in the first encounter and the Air Field crew had been gunning for the Fort Squad ever since.
50 Years Ago – July 12, 1967
Into the home stretch — Lester Pelkey, Ashland’s own favorite son and winner of the lumberjack competition, raced to the last log in the chain saw steeplechase event in which he placed second. In strain of competition anything can happen, and it usually does, pelkey forgot to turn saw’s switch to “On”, at beginning of the event, losing valuable seconds.
Blue Sox Down Braves; Tied for 1st — Mapleton Summer-League Baseball Blue Sox beat the Indians 22-16 to tie them for first place. Both teams have 2-1 records. The game was called after the fifth inning because of darkness. Dennis Levasseur hit two home runs for the Blue Sox and Guy Woodworth collected four hits for the losers.
25 Years Ago – July 8, 1992
Special recognition — An employee appreciation luncheon was held at the University of Maine. President James R. Roach addressed the group and recognized employees for achieving certain career milestones. Sharon Roix, registrar, and Sharlene Smith, administrative assistant, were recognized for 15 years of service.
PI summer soccer at 5-0-3 — The Presque Isle summer soccer team continued to remain unbeaten in Aroostook County League action as they notched a win and a tie. At the University of Maine, Presque Isle field, Caribou jumped out to a 2-0 half-time lead as Matt McCormack converted on a corner kick from Jason Wyman and Jerry Swetnam scored the second goal, unassisted.