Envoy/Pastor Frank Nataluk of The Salvation Army in Houlton, located at 12 Houlton St., tries to "catch a wave" for their Vacation Bible School, which will be held Wednesday through Friday, Aug. 16-18, from 6-7:30 p.m. for children ages 5-12. This year's them is "Surf Shack." There will be games, snacks, music and Bible stories. Due to space limitations there are only 30 slots; parents should pre-register their children by calling 532-2322.
Envoy/Pastor Frank Nataluk of The Salvation Army in Houlton, located at 12 Houlton St., tries to “catch a wave” for their Vacation Bible School, which will be held Wednesday through Friday, Aug. 16-18, from 6-7:30 p.m. for children ages 5-12. This year’s them is “Surf Shack.” There will be games, snacks, music and Bible stories. Due to space limitations there are only 30 slots; parents should pre-register their children by calling 532-2322. (Contributed)