Purple Hats

Charlotte Marley, Correspondent, Special to The County
8 years ago

The Purple Hat ladies met in Oakfield for their August picnic, but the weatherman didn’t cooperate so it became a potluck luncheon. Lots of delicious salads, beans, fresh veggies and more were enjoyed, along with hot dogs and rolls followed by several desserts. It was a feast.

The theme for our meeting was Remembering Donna. Members recognized August birthday ladies.  Denise Clark was the winner of the Pass the Gift game.

More info about our December meeting was discussed. Joanne Scott and Denise Clark were the winners of the monthly drawing. Thanks to Chefs Bob and Don for cooking for us.

Attending were: Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, Cindy Gray, Delores Locke, Verna Boone, Mildred Gagnon, Berneice Campbell, Joanne Scott, Denise Clark, Arlene Friel, Brenda Lacostic, Sandy Wyman, Ramona White, Betty Wyman, Jackie Colella, Charlotte Marley, and guests Cath Plourd and Mia and Daniel from New Jersey and Darlene Nelson.