MSAD #70 Board Meeting is August 21

8 years ago

MSAD #70’s mission is to provide quality instruction, positive learning opportunities, and a safe educational environment to ensure every student graduates as a responsible citizen who has achieved proficiency in state/district approved standards.

Date: Monday, August 21, 2017
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Central Office Board Room


Agenda Adjustments:

Public Comment:

Presentation: Proficiency-Based Diploma Implementation

Information Items:

  1. Financials
  2. 2. Meeting Schedules
    1. Policy – September 11th at 6 p.m. b.
    2. Technology – TBD c.
    3. Region Two – August 22, 2017 at 6 p.m. d.
    4. Lunch Committee – TBD e.
    5. Finance Committee – Met August 8th 3.
  3. Construction Updates 4.
  4. Garden Project Update 5.
  5. Resignations – Gerald Karnes & Chelsea Peabody

Consider minutes of July 10, 2017

Action Items:

  1. Accept ESEA (Title IA and Title II) Funds for FY18 2.
  2. Approve K-5 Guidance Counselor (Tri-County Guidance Grant) – Tammy Lothrop 3.
  3. Approve Special Education Ed Tech II candidate – Dea Swain 4.
  4. Approve changes to the cost centers based on increase in State Subsidy 5.
  5. Approve Middle/High School Handbook

Administrator Reports:

Executive Session:

  1. Enter Executive session to discuss re-entry of student pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A.§ 405(6)(B)
    – Expulsion of Students

2. Enter Executive session to discuss re-entry of student pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A.§ 405(6)(B)
  – Expulsion of Students

Consider Adjournment: