Rotarians gearing up for annual auction

7 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — All of us have said or heard the following: “It’s earlier than ever this year.” Whether you’re talking about getting prepared for school, seeing Halloween and Christmas items in stores or noticing the crops maturing for harvest, it is “that time of year”. And, there is one more sign that it is that “time”; it is time to pledge your items for the 62nd Annual Houlton Rotary Auction.

If you pledged a product or service to the 2016 Auction, you will be contacted soon by a Rotarian to ask for your support again for 2017. Rotarians will be making the rounds over the next couple of weeks.

The Rotary Radio and TV Auction is the major fundraiser conducted each year by the Houlton Rotary Club. This year a Facebook auction will be added to the event with a select number of items available for bid on Facebook throughout each night of the auction.

The major projects to be funded with the proceeds of this year’s auction have the theme of Children’s Literacy, Hunger and the Arts. The projects include funding permanent children’s book collections at Cary Library, the Backpack for Kids program, a trailer for the Salvation Army to distribute food and other needs, and equipment for the Hodgdon School Music Theater Program.

In addition to the major projects, auction proceeds also help support other Rotary charities including Dollars For Scholars, Northern Maine Lacrosse, Putnam House, Little League, Student Recognition Day, Rotary Youth Exchange and more.

Providing items for the Rotary Auction is a great way to promote a business at the beginning of the peak shopping season while also supporting the community. Donors are encouraged to provide something exciting and highly sought after to really spur the bidding!

There are other ways to support the auction in addition to providing items. Advertising space is available in the Auction Supplement which is widely distributed prior to the Auction and is posted on-line providing great exposure. There are also sponsorship opportunities available.

The 62nd Annual Rotary Radio and TV Auction is scheduled for Nov. 20-22. For further

information or to donate items to the auction contact Auction chair Nate Bodenstab at 227-1310, Club President Matt Nightingale at 538-6921 or any member of the Houlton Rotary Club.