On Sept. 27, SAD 1 School Superintendent Brian Carpenter and Business Manager Clinton Deschene made their beginning-of-the-school-year visit to Mapleton Elementary School.
They had the opportunity to view the school building summer makeover that included new entrance doors and replacement of large, energy-inefficient windows. Also they inspected the floor replacement of the school common area as well as the upgrade of the school heating system. According to Deschene, these renovations were the most significant changes made to the school building since its construction 42 years ago.
Besides talking with staff, they hosted a school-wide cookout for the students and staff. They met most of the students, as they served everyone their lunches as part of the visit.
Carpenter and Deschene noted the school appeared to be off to an excellent start this year as result of successful open houses for Prek, Kindergarten and grades 1-5 students and their families and the extensive preparation of the teaching and school staff.
First Friday Luncheon
The Mapleton United Methodist Church will host their Friday Community Luncheon on Oct. 6 at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be homemade pizza with a salad bar.
Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy food and visitation. The luncheon is free; however, donations are welcome and appreciated.
Christmas workshop
At the Haystack Historical Society’s September meeting, members decided to host a Christmas workshop on Saturday, Oct. 28, at the Haystack Historical Museum. The workshop will run from 1 to 3 p.m.
- SAD 1 Superintendent Brian Carpenter and Business Manager Clinton Deschene marked the beginning of the new school year with a visit to Mapleton Elementary School last week. While there, they hosted a school-wide cookout and served students and staff their lunches. (Courtesy/Terry Sandusky)
The leader and instructor will be Lisa Shepherd, who presented at the spring Mother-Daughter Tea in May. Shepherd teaches many craft workshops in Maine and New England and is volunteering to lead this holiday craft workshop, which will consist of using kits to make homemade Christmas cards and a Christmas house decoration.
The museum is offering this workshop as a community service; however, there will be a charge of $10.00 per person to cover the cost of kits and instructions. The museum will provide homemade snacks along with coffee or tea for everyone attending.
To make sure enough space is available, please inform the organizing committee if you plan to attend. To reserve your kits and workshop seat, please call 764-0290, and indicate who may be attending with you so the museum can anticipate workshop attendance. Leave a message if no one is available to make your reservation.
- Mapleton Lions Club Vice President Eric Rodd, left, thanks Girl Scout Maddie Buzza and her mother, Jennifer Buzza, co-leader of the Mapleton Girl Scout Troop, for attending the club’s meeting and speaking on Maddie’s Silver Award project, three Little Free Libraries for the town. (Courtesy/Terry Sandusky)
The fee can be paid at the door.
All are welcome to Invite a relative or friend to attend as well. This is a good workshop for children or grandchildren, so you can share the experience together. At the spring tea, each of the youngsters attending had an enjoyable time with their craft project. The same fee applies to each person attending, including children.
Girl Scout Maddie Buzza spoke recently to the Mapleton Lions Club about her Silver Award project, three Little Free LIbraries. She thanked the Lions Club for their support in making one of the three libraries possible. This little library is located in front of the Mapleton Lions Hall. She particularly thanked Lion Dale McHatten for his help and support.
Jennifer and Aaron Buzza, Maddie’s parents, attended the meeting with her. Aaron helped construct the library boxes that are mounted outside the Mapleton Lions Hall, town office and the post office. Her mother is co-leader of the Mapleton Girl Scout Troop and she explained to the members the importance of the Girl Scout Cadette Silver Award.
Vice President Eric Rodd thanked the Buzzas for attending the meeting and informing the club about her project.
Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at starherald.Tsandusky@gmail.com.