MSSM announces vision for education

6 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — The Maine School of Science and Mathematics released its new strategic vision on Nov. 17 to capture its current values and set future goals.

Scott Gilley, MSSM’s Student Senate president, said, “I feel that the strategic vision gives us a robust set of goals to work toward in the next several years.”  

“MSSM’s Board of Trustees is proud to support the new strategic vision,” said Board Chair Dr. Jason Judd. “The mission, core values, and future goals will ensure MSSM continues to thrive and provide an innovative academic environment, successful co-curricular program, and supportive residential experience for the students of Maine and beyond.”

The faculty, residential life staff, and administration were heavily involved in crafting the vision, with input from parents, alumni, students, board members, and other key constituents. Luke Shorty, MSSM’s executive director, and Erica Jortberg, college counselor, met with stakeholders multiple times to finalize the wording.

Alan Whittemore, dean of enrollment, said, “Having witnessed the first vision, which was merely a dream in 1994, and seeing the vision today as it has evolved into the leader not only in the state of Maine but also nationwide, in STEM education is so rewarding.”

Goals in the Strategic Vision include that the school be recognized as an innovative, creative and exciting place to study and learn for students, faculty, and staff members, and as an educational resource for all of Maine students enrolled at MSSM and throughout the state. Other goals are to enhance the curriculum on a continuous basis; manage the student enrollment in an optimal and strategic manner over the next 10 years, and to develop the alumni association in a manner that promotes strong alumni connections to each other, MSSM (students and staff), industry, academia, research facilities, both in Maine and nationally.

MSSM Mathematics Department Chair Pete Pedersen noted, “As a veteran MSSM mathematics instructor, I am always excited to see growth in our mathematical programming. I will be elated to see, in 2021, where 100 percent of our students have invested time into worthwhile research.”

English Instructor, Dr. Helana Brigman, said she is excited about the direction the English department is headed.

“With such a wide range of faculty and talents, we have already begun discussing creative ways to implement curriculum next year with our department chair, Mike McCartney, as well as new courses and offerings.”

The Strategic Vision can be found at