PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The Presque Isle PROBUS Club held their regular monthly meeting Nov. 16, 2017, in the Reed Commons Building on the NMCC campus.
Dana Crory, program chairman, introduced the guest speaker, Christine McPherson. She is the volunteer coordinator for The Aroostook Retired Seniors Volunteers program. She meets and recruits seniors to volunteer in many areas of the community where their skills and life experiences can help meet critical needs.
McPherson explained that RSVP has three major tiers of volunteer stations: the Friendly Visitor, who helps homebound seniors with a variety of assistance; Companionship for Veterans, in which volunteers offer vets a little company for card games, music or conversation; and Warm Hands and Feet, where volunteers provide knitted hats, socks, scarves, and mittens for seniors, and also for fundraisers.
Volunteers can offer other help for seniors as community volunteers; those who cook and provide food at meal sites; thrift store volunteers in RSVP outlets; clerical volunteers who file, mail, answer phones and more; financial literacy, providing help with finances, bills, checks, taxes and mail sorting; food pantries, in which Presque Isle has more than 40 volunteer helpers; Meals on Wheels, providing frozen meals prepared in Bangor; and volunteering in classes like Tai Chi for arthritis, Bone Builders and Matter of Balance.
$2,000 insurance is provided for all volunteers, said McPherson.
The RSVP Association works very closely with the Aroostook Area on Aging, which offers much support and needed information. Judy Anderson is the RSVP director. She writes grants for this non profit in addition to her many other job duties.
The RSVP organization receives referrals about seniors who need assistance from doctors, professionals, neighbors, relatives, or concerned community members. All of these services are provided free to seniors who want or need their help.
McPherson added that the RSVP of Aroostook County provides a critical service which is a welcome opportunity to aid older community members, and welcomed anyone interested in joining to contact her at (207) 764-3396 or 1 (800) 439-1789.
Janet Snow closed the meeting with a reading by Steven Orr called “Folding Laundry.” The article stressed those things which most of us are blessed with every day, however insignificant they may appear — even the chance to fold warm laundry in a snug home with family. Many others are not so fortunate.
Anyone who is interested in learning more about their city and its organizations is welcome to attend any PROBUS meeting and/or become a member. All that is required is a $25 membership fee, which is used to provide scholarships to students wishing to attend Northern Maine Community College.