Operation Limestone wants to plan sesquicentennial

6 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — Limestone’s 150th anniversary will occur next year and Selectperson Melissa Devoe discussed forming a committee to organize and plan for the big celebration during a Jan. 17 meeting. 

“It falls to us [The Selectpeople] to do this,” she told the board. “We need to form a committee, and believe that committee should have someone from the chamber of commerce, the Limestone Development Foundation, and the historical society. We need to get all local groups involved because it’s going to take a whole village to plan this.”

Julie Weston, a Limestone resident who co-founded the non-profit Operation Limestone with her husband Brian, offered to spearhead the event during the meeting.

Devoe said she had “no problem with that” and the board discussed whether or not they could officially allow the Westons to lead sesquicentennial planning.

The only setbacks in doing so are the allocation of local monies for the event, and discussion related to whether or not other residents were appointed to plan the anniversary celebration.

Selectperson Tom Albert said he believed other residents were appointed “meetings ago,” and Mahan suggested the board table the appointment and revisit the matter during their next meeting.

Albert told Weston that the board would get back to her, adding that he didn’t see any reason why her organization wouldn’t be able to spearhead the town’s 150th.

“Let us figure out the monies and everything else,” he told her.

The board took no action on the issue, and Devoe suggested advertising for committee members to help plan the event.