TOPS (week of February 28, 2018)

6 years ago

The Houlton chapter of TOPS held our weekly meeting on Friday, Feb. 16. There were six TOPS and four KOPS members present.

The losers of the week were Diane Folsom and Pam Richardson. The runner-up was Barbara Troy.

We had a no-gain week —  a great accomplishment and we should be very proud of ourselves.

The 50/50 was won by Betty Wyman and the skinny dish was won by Diane Folsom.

We’re in the third week of our contest. We’re doing really well at hydration, exercise and finding ways to reward yourself that don’t include food. It’s learning a whole new lifestyle but we are striving toward our goals.

Charlotte Marley gave the program, “Facts on Fat.” Did you know that we need some fat in our system? Fat gives us energy and helps our core body temperature level. Fat helps us absorb vitamins. Avocado, nuts and vegetables are good for us, but remember moderation, and limit cheese and butter. There are four kinds of fat, some not good for you, so read labels and look for foods that are low in trans-saturated fats. Thank you, Charlotte, for a very informative program

We meet every Friday morning with weigh in at 7:45-8:45 and the meeting at 9.

For more information call or for directions to our meeting location, call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.